if it makes you happy, then why the hell are you so sad?

by chickpea 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • chickpea

    listening to sheryl crow....

    and wondering, if one is genuinely happy,
    are constant reminders necessary?
    of course i am referencing the juxtaposed
    rah-rah/beating called the DC....
    the cleanest, happiest, and heavily
    medicated collective of drones......

    being free of that brain numbing influence
    has led me to greater happiness than
    i have known heretofore

    i have had the genuine pleasure
    of being caught smiling unawares
    by watching the faces of people
    who look at me and break into
    a smile fo their own.....

    is this a reminder?
    i dunno, did you need one?

  • Heaven

    One of my biggest questions to my JW friends and family ... "If you have truly found The Truth, and the Love of God and Christ, why are you so depressed?"

    I now know the answer but I wanted to hear them tell me. They could not.

    The answer is ... when your thoughts and your mind are constantly focused on and fed negativity, then you manifest negativity within yourself and your life. I have seen this. I have also seen the opposite as well.

    What You Focus On Expands. The Roots Produce The Fruits. Negativity abounds in the JW world ... and this is what they end up with. It is very sad indeed.

  • Robdar

    Cognitive dissonance is a rough ride.

  • chickpea


    i actually said to a car group
    that stopped by to "encourage"
    me back to the mtgs >>

    my family is so much happier now
    that we no longer marinate in that
    doom's-day environment.....

    talk about a turd in the punch bowl, eh?

    come to think of it, that was the last visit i have had

  • Heaven

    my family is so much happier now
    that we no longer marinate in that
    doom's-day environment.....

    I love this statement! The use of the words "marinate" and "doom's day environment" are bang on.

    come to think of it, that was the last visit i have had


  • WTWizard

    With all their rules, it is impossible to be happy. When they say that rules against fornication are not fun barriers, that is a blatant lie. When they tell you that you are happiest with no power, that's another blatant lie. They tell you that you will be happier if you do more field circus, or pio-sneer. Of course, you will find yourself wasting your whole life and having nothing to show for it.

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