Thinking of joining Satan's team so I can use Darth Vader powers at the Kingdom Hall!

by Witness 007 6 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Always wanted to use the "mind chokehold" on some Elders....."Okay Brothers to conclude our meeting we will sing........aaaah....uhhhh.....can't breath....JEHOO......arrr." Or reach out towards the Microphone and have it "levitate" into my hand, Jedi style, and then say; {Vader deep voice}"Do not underestimate the POWER of the Darkside...{deep breathing} Or the "Jedi mind trick"..."You don't need to see my service report...I'm not the brother your looking for...."

    If Satan gave me these powers I would hand over my pissy little Soul for sure...I welcome the Dark Lord! Praise his name!

  • stillin

    do you have the privelege of carrying microphones? You could pretend that they are Jedi Swords and have great power. Thats what the lads do here.

  • mindmelda

    I play World of Warcraft for that reason. I can slay "demons" and monsters and beat the living crap out of things when I'm pissed off.

  • lalaa

    LOL are too funny.

    I would give my soul up too for some kind of bad ass powers to use.

  • SacrificialLoon

    If this is a counsler ship Kingdom Hall then where is the ambassador King?

  • Rocky_Girl



  • Waffles

    Sweet idea - I'd love to have the power to move objects with the force like Vader. I'd knock the brother's notes off the podium over and over again, pull the seat out from under some of the fat bro's and sisters. Man, it would be a blast.

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