Trickle effect

by 5thGeneration 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • 5thGeneration

    Well, I guess this was coming since I haven't gone to the KH in quite a while.

    The slow stream of decades worth of friends dropping me like a hot potato is picking up steam as the rumour mill is spinning at full force.

    Any advice on how you all dealt with the inevitable?

    Not very fun, not very fun!

  • cognac

    I have to wonder if all JWs are like that? Maybe you just haven't heard much from them simply because they don't see you as much? Maybe some people haven't contacted you because they are used to contacting you at the meetings? You could always try calling them to see if they want to do something... However, I could be wrong so keep in mind when you are calling them that you may in fact be rejected by them...

  • The Berean
    The Berean

    Their friendship was conditional. It had to end sooner or later ...

  • leavingwt

    Same thing happend to me. It was very tough for two months or so.

    If you go ahead and expect even your best friends and closest family to abandon you, the surprise part will be removed from the process.

    Once my younger brother and my best friend dumped me, I had no illusion of hanging onto anyone else.

    Their minds are totally captive to the concept that WT is God's organization. As such, they can have NOTHING to do with you. If they disobey mother, Jesus Christ and His Executionary Forces will slit their throats at Armageddon, which could arrive as early as today. They want to spend eternity in Paradise. Jehovah will erase their memories of you.

    You're not alone. Hang in there.

  • mindmelda

    I quit going regularly to meetings years ago, and only a few phone calls and one or two short visits to bring me magazines were the result.

    It was amazing at first, no one came pounding down the door to beg me to come back! But, to me it just speaks to the lack of real friendships among the JWs.

    Everything is conditional upon your status with the congregation and your level of activity, so no one dares get too chummy lest they have to break it off if you don't keep the terms of your contract with the WTS.

    My family still talks to me, they're not that active either, so the others ignoring me doesn't bother me too much. Not a "friend born of distress" at all, are they?

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