NZ TV2 Shortland Street JW Blood Transfusion episode on now

by Black Sheep 6 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Episode can be viewed later here

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Story so far:

    Car accident.

    Blood card.

    Unconscious, pregnant patient given blood. Lives.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Husband arrives.

    He is weak in the faith.

    He is OK with transfusion.

    Doesn't want doc to tell his wife.

    Pleading with doc not to tell her

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Doc is going along with deception.

    Nurse has already told patient

    Patient wants to put in formal complaint

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Doctor told to stand from surgery.

  • purplesofa

    stay tuned?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Shortland Street touches on a controversial topic this week, when Dr Chris Warner ( Michael Galvin ) acts unethically to save a life . Experienced Chris makes the difficult decision to give a Jehovah’s Witness patient a blood transfusion against her will, knowing that without it she will die. But is it Chris’ choice to make?

    When a critically ill patient comes into the hospital, Chris discovers that her religious views restrict her from accepting a blood transfusion . With her life on the line , Chris decides to go against her beliefs, and give it to her anyway. "Chris is put in a challenging position where he can either act and save the patient, or follow protocol and let her die," explains Michael Galvin . "Though extremely unethical, it's the gut decision that he decides to go with."

    This storyline, though controversial, is timely given that it ties in with World Blood Donor Day, which occurs in the same week on June 12th.

    World Blood Donor Day provides a special opportunity for a united, global celebration for donating blood. It aims to raise awareness about the need for voluntary blood donors, and to thank all of those people who have helped.

    "World Blood Donor Day is a global celebration designed to thanks those people who donate blood and help save lives," says Paul Hayes, Marketing Manager at New Zealand Blood Service. "The New Zealand Blood Service is committed to maintaining a safe and steady supply of blood and blood products, so we can ensure they are readily available for people when they need it."

    Currently, approximately 42,000 New Zealanders receive blood each year. Around 60% of the population is eligible to donate, but only 4% of us roll up our sleeves to donate. New Zealand Blood service needs potential donors to contact them to find out if they are eligible and if so, make an appointment to donate. World Blood Donor Day aims to create more awareness of these needs.

    Although Chris Warner's moral predicament puts him in a difficult position, the storyline serves to bring the issue of blood transfusions to the forefront.

    For more information or to find out if you are eligible to donate, contact 0800 GIVE BLOOD or visit

    If you have missed an episode, full episodes of Shortland Street will be available free online 12 hours after the show has aired on TV2. Go to and click the 'on demand' button.

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