Did you write the book of Love - and do you have faith in God above

by StoneWall 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • StoneWall

    This song came on the radio earlier today and brought back so many memories.

    As a teenager me and some brothers and sisters from the hall used to go over on the river rafting and intertubing

    down it. While we where there this song would usually come up and we would all get together and start singing

    (even those like me who couldn't sing).

    Usually all you got to do is mention drove my chevy to the Levy or bye bye miss american pie and most people que

    this song up real quick. so much fun and great times was/were associated with this song.

    I really like near the end where it says the three men I admire the most; Father,Son and holy Ghost...

    headed for the coast the day the music died.


    Regards and hope all are enjoying summer,


  • mimimimi

    Love this song! Thanks.

    Hope you have a great summer.


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