Oldest Living Holocaust Survivor (Leopold Engleitner)

by Earnest 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Earnest

    "I am a happy boy and I enjoy everything and I have no time to die".

    http://cbs2.com/video/[email protected]

  • mouthy

    What a fellow... Thanks Ernest for that

    Hope your well. I hear Rita & her hubby( the elder that

    told me to come back to mine,have seperated... Sad...
    what goes around comes around.

  • Earnest

    Hi mouthy, I am well, thanks, and now in your home town, London, and loving it. I never really knew Rita or her husband even when I was in Cambridge as they were in a different congregation.

    I think Leopold Engleitner is a remarkable man, not only for having survived the concentration camps but also for the very positive attitude to life even now at such an age. An example for us all whether or not we agree with his theology.

  • mouthy

    Leopold Engleitner is a remarkable man, not only for having survived the concentration camps but also for the very positive attitude to life even now at such an age. An example for us all whether or not we agree with his theology

    Yes you are so right.... How about coming to Canada.? Its a great place LOL

  • slimboyfat

    I very much admire Leopold Engleitner. I regret I did not go to hear him speak in Vienna when I had an opportunity. He has had an extraordinary life. I am glad in his old age he can travel and has found people interested in hearing his story. And it is a beatiful place he comes from on the Wolfgangsee.

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