Maybe a JC could be sued for sexual assault?

by aSphereisnotaCircle 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    THink about it, what if your young daughter was assaulted sexually by someone in the congregation.

    You go to the elders and their is a JC.

    The elders of course want to talk to the girl alone without the parents present and then proceed to ask the girl sexually explicit questions.

    I've been in that situation and let me tell you, the JC is a rape in itself. You can check out numerous threads on this board and also on Silentlambs and you will see that I am not the only one that felt that way.

    Maybe a jury would think so too?

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Doesn't matter what a jury thinks if the conduct does not fit the definition of sexual assault. JC meetings do not fit most defintions of sexual assualt that I've seen, but would be much closer to sexual harassment. Assuming that a case for harassment could be made, proving that it's a problem endorsed by the society would be difficult, and at most you'd likely only be able to get specific cases heard against individuals. The evidence would be shoddy at best, precisely because there is no written record and only one witness. But, what do I know. Note that I'm giving hypothetical opinion on a hypothetical case, and am not offering legal advice.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    You make some good points.

    Sexual harrassment maybe a better term. but you can sue for that also.

  • truthseekeriam

    I understand what your talking about I had to witness my child being questioned(interrogated) by the elders in a molestation case It was something I will never get over, I still have nightmares about it.

    I think part of it is guilt for allowing it to happen. I had no idea what we were in for. Then I was in shock. It just added to our nightmare.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    Truthseeker that's part of the problem. Even though the parents obviously give there consent to have their child interrogated, they usually have no idea what they are in for, until after it happens.

    They usually don't want the parents present either.

    It is grossly inapropriate to have adult males ask sexually explicit questions to young underage girls and demand that they answer.

    It is sexually abusive, and with underage children I think it is something that the elders could possibly be sued for.

    Anyone else with thoughts on this?

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