End of Civil War in Sri Lanka

by insearchoftruth 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • insearchoftruth

    Since so much of the 'gloom/end times' talk is based on all the wars, increase in earthquake activity.....how does a JW respond when things like the 25 year civil war in Sri Lanka end?? Does it just get ignored?

  • SirNose586

    I doubt they could even find Sri Lanka on a map...

    But yeah, I heard that the Tamil Tiger rebels were finally defeated. Sounds like a baseball team...

  • insearchoftruth

    Probably true they could not find the location....does sound like a baseball team <grin>

    I guess the reason I asked in the first place, a witness will make sure any bad event is highlighted beyond belief, a sign we are so close to the end, but good news all but gets swept under the rug.....

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