My Analysis of the Special Talk

by metatron 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    I found the Special Talk to be a bit more bizarre than usual as it seemed to invent a parallel dimension in which churches freely preach hate and racial division in contrast to "the truth". Deeply fantasy laden yet somehow vague and unfocused.

    What I do find significant is a change in emphasis. In the past, these sort of talks used to drone on about how wonderful the organization is relative to the evil surrounding world. Now, the word "should" is heard over and over, in describing what the "truth" should do. It should promote love. It should promote harmony, etc. etc.

    The Governing Body must know their 'organization' is broken. Should has taken the place of 'does'. Sharp contrasts about 'love among yourselves' are de-emphasized. Are they feeling a lack of certainty about their "clean" cult? I think so.


  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I would always cringe at the KH when a speaker would make derogatory remarks about other religions .

    It has been my experience while visiting local churches in my area they have never spewed forth this kind of hateful talk ,but rather promote love and unity among believers of Christ no matter what church one attends , it has been enlightening so far .

  • Lost-In-Translation

    When the Public Talks where shortened to 30 minutes one of the instructions the WTBS gave to speakers was that they were to eliminate starting their discourse with a list of negatives. Speakers were not to use the introduction of a talk saying how BAD everything or how bad everyone else is. Of course some older brothers just ignore the instructions and have not adjusted their talk outlines. The WTBS stated that speakers were to emphasize the blessings that the Kingdom would bring and not use the time to list how bad the present system of things are or how bad other religions are.

    So it is no surprise that in the Special Talk the outline was carefully wordered not to be overly offensive as in the past. Buy using "should" a lot they are using rhetorical questions so that listeners can make up their own mind and not just be flat out told what to do.

    Will a change in technique in delivering a talk really change anything? Of course not. Ultimately, the message is the same - you have become a Jehovah's Witness - if not you will die. Supporting the WTBS Corporation is the only way to salvation. What other US Corporation offers that?

  • penny2

    The outline for this talk wasn't word for word like it used to be for special talks.

  • WTWizard

    The truth should bring out the best in people. The truth should incite people to love and fine works.

    If this religion is not doing that, without having people getting hounded to make it work, then it cannot be the truth.

  • Amha·’aret

    I guess they were hoping to have a lot of "interested ones" at the talk and didn't want to start bashing their current religions too heavily.

    Just another example of the love they have!

  • sir82

    It was rather weird - their examples of "false religion's bad fruitage" were just kind of bizarre and irrelevant (ancient Romans who believed in bloodthirsty fornicating gods were bloodthirsty fornicators themselves..."some religions" teach that God's kingdom will come about by political means [They do?? Who?], and thus that religion's adherents are not "without spot from the world").

    20 or 30 years ago they would have been far more explicit and up to date, naming names and pulling no punches.

    They have definitely softened their approach over the years.

  • tresdecu

    I agree with you guys wholeheartedly - and I noticed the exact same thing. It is a ridiculous outline. Very vague and weird. If I was some new poor sap RV or BS there, it would have convinced me of absolutely nothing, and just left me scratching my head.


  • metatron

    Exactly! You guys noticed it too! Vague, weird and watered down


  • verystupid77

    All very true. Extremely strange especially about the woman in Africa who have to have sex with a male family member when their husbands die. What was up with that? How did that tie in to anything really? Where in Africa was this, what village? How many people live there, etc, raised a lot more questions then it helped to tie it into the talk.

    Then I get this call later in the day from a older sister all worried that I missed the talk about forgivenesses because we did not go to our hall for the talk but went else where.? What was with that. I was so blown away I just let it pass, but I did not hear anything about forgiveness in the talk.

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