Bible Student Sister Cora Sumdbom's Story from 1962 about early days of WT and Dawn split

by steve2 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • steve2

    What an affectionate account - her warmish memories about "Brother Russell" stand out. She was totally wrapped up in the organization. I note the routine manner in which she recounts Christmas at Bethel and buying a Christmas present for Russell (a comfortable chair). it is like a totally different organization to what it became under Rutherford's abruptly cold, no-nonsense presidency.

    Listening to her memories from 1909 - coincidentally 100 hundred years ago! - is a sobering reminder that because a way of life "seems" like the truth , on reflection it is little more than one of so many sad and vain delusions.

  • RR

    Back in the 1960s and 70s, several Bible Students travelled cross country visiting old timers and recording their accounts and experiences. The result was 1000s of hours of audio and video. Sr. Cora was just one of these.


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