Whats up with all the religio's and Easter???

by sinis 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • sinis

    Since being out of the borg I have not swaped one deception for another. I am curious as to why religios insist on leaving the JW's only to appear in the Baptists, or Born Again, or whatever?? Didn't you have your fill? Did you not open your eyes and see the truth??? Why do you go through the same Pagan, YES PAGAN, bullshit every year for the Last Supper???

    I think most religio individuals realize that what they are doing is a waste of time, but they need to occupy their time with SOMETHING, ANYTHING. Jesus is not coming, Jehovah is not going to save the day. In the end its just you. Salvation does come from within, YOU, and not some invisible diety or by eating food and beverage. I truely cannot believe the extent individuals go to, to fool themselves.

  • JustWantTruth

    I feel that I have seen the truth in many ways and he is Jesus. I am still learning and will never be as closed minded as I was as a JW but I feel that he was here, he died for us, has risen in Glory and is coming again. That is the only reason that I am celebrating Easter this year(partialy) because of the Real meaning. I am sorry you feel that way or maybe I shouldn't if you are truly happy in your beliefs or should I say disbelief . But God is very real to me still and while I do cherish my life now, which I feel had been enriched with knowing God, I can look forward to having an even better live later.

    Honestly I know, many people on this board do not agree, but creation just makes sense to me. I can respect agnostics who simply say that they do not know for sure, but some atheists, NOT ALL, but some tend to be as dogmatic as JWs. How can you be so certain there is no God, really? Atheism is in effect a religion and way of life all of its own IMO. But instead God is replaced by ourselves...It all about YOU or ME. Doesn't fit with me I believe that there is bigger picture. But whatever floats your boat! Take care.

  • cameo-d

    Since being out of the borg I have not swaped one deception for another.

    I am curious as to why religios insist on leaving the JW's only to appear in the Baptists, or Born Again, or whatever??

    Didn't you have your fill?

    Did you not open your eyes and see the truth???

    Why do you go through the same Pagan, YES PAGAN, bullshit every year for the Last Supper???

    Questions worth repeating until they sink in.


    If there was no Easter..The Easter Bunny and the Pope would be out of a job..You can`t get a job as an Easter Bunny,or a Pope just any where......It`s in the Bible!!..............................................OUTLAW

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