Murphy's Law?

by StAnn 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • StAnn

    This evening, I left home "just for a minute" and so didn't grab the cell phone. Of course, as I'm driving through the absolute worst neighborhood in my town (the one riddled with gangs), I had a flat tire.

    I almost always have my cell phone on me. I don't use it as a "regular" phone. We have a plan that's $15 a month for 300 minutes. It's just for emergencies! So when I have an emergency, my phone is at home.

    Murphy got me. Fortunately, it was still daylight and there was a fire station right around the corner, so I pulled in there. I felt safer there. One of the firemen even came out and helped.

    Just wondering about others' stories of Murphy's Law winning out.


  • jamiebowers
    I almost always have my cell phone on me. I don't use it as a "regular" phone. We have a plan that's $15 a month for 300 minutes. It's just for emergencies! So when I have an emergency, my phone is at home.

    What company offers 300 minutes a month for $15?

  • StAnn

    Miami University in Oxford! I'm a student there so I get a free phone and 300 minutes a month for $15. I don't text, so it's great for me. I still use my LAN line.


  • chickpea

    just want to acquaint you
    with what my husband calls
    Horowitz's Law.....

    in its entirety:
    Murphy was an optimist

  • SnakesInTheTower


    Horowitz's Law.....
    in its entirety:
    Murphy was an optimist

    I was just getting ready to post that...only I had always heard that called Smith's Law

    Snakes ()

  • StAnn

    Well, Horowitz got me this morning. Last night I had a flat tire and put on the spare.

    This morning, the opposite tire was flat. Spare's in use. I'm stuck at home and it's PALM SUNDAY. No church for me!

    There's a tire place right around the corner from me but it's closed on Sunday.

    Screw Horowitz.


  • StAnn

    Since I'm trapped at home, thought I'd do laundry. Oops, I'm out of laundry soap. So I decided to make some, only to discover that I don't have any washing soda~and I can't go to the store to buy any!

    This day is not shaping up too well for me.

    Damn Murphy/Horowitz.


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