TYRANNY: Jah's Provision for "Wise Rulership"?

by cameo-d 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cameo-d

    I notice a lot of people seem to simply repeat what they have been told about bible stories, even though it is in direct contrast to the evidence.

    For instance, it is always said that "king Solomon was the wisest ruler" and that he was "favored by god."

    According to scripture, Solomon used forced labor to build his kingdom and temples. He heavily taxed the people.

    Are we to believe this is god's loving provision for rulership?

    Does this portend what rulership under the Kingdom of God will be like?

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    What scriptures exactly?

  • WTWizard

    Under God's tyranny, everything you do will be what He tells you to. You will have zero freedom--everything you think, say, and do will be heavily censored. If you so much as think it would be nice to have just a little freedom, you die.

  • Spook

    Yes, this will be related to one of my 10 Deeper Challenges to JW's.

    1. If humans are serving Jehovah in a natural (not-metaphysical / spirit based) earth, then they are constrained by natural limits.

    2. For any given choice, there is one option which maximizes "glorifying Jehovah." All other options being sub-optimal.

    3. Selecting any other choice but the Glory Maximizing one would always mean placing greater importance on something other than glorifying Jehovah.

    4. A perfect being, one to whom serving Jehovah is the most important thing, would always of necessity select the Glory Maximizing alternative. Thus, an enternity of complete slavery to one crazy principle, glorifying someone who already and at all times has known exactly how much glory he will receive for all time from eternity and to whom the receiving of glory is neither necessary nor meaningful.

    Jehovah's life is meaningless.

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