Telling a Worldly that they will be Resurrected

by VIII 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • VIII

    I have been dealing with a terminally ill relative the last few weeks which is why I have not been on here. She is a dedicated Catholic. Which my Mom knows. Very well. This old lady has been diagnosed with cancer, stage 4 and has been given maybe 3 months to live. This is out of the blue. Literally.

    Upon telling my Mom, she expressed some sadness, yet, her main concern was getting me to tell the ill, dying individual that she will be resurrected. Also, I was to tell the rest of the family (all Catholic and have rejected the JWs) that they will see their Mother in Paradise!!!! This is to "comfort" them. (Which also implies that they are going to make it through Armageddon. In spite of the JW rejection)


    First of all, the lady who is dying is Catholic and has said flat out the JWs are nuts. Totally nuts. Secondly, she is one of the meanest, most cold hearted people I have ever known. If there is a hell, she will be there. Of that I feel sure.

    So, to tell someone, to "comfort" them, that they will be reurrected and Jehovah has a grand plan for them, is totally crazy. My Mom wanted me to get this gal on the phone so she could tell her since I wouldn't.

    I flat out told her that she would sound crazy that since the Catholics have already made it clear that they are not interested in the JW message, trying now, when they are dealing with an imminent death, is not the time to tell them that Jehovah has a plan for them and it includes resurrection and Paradise. She agreed reluctantly to not say anything.

    Anyone else ever deal with this? Is this as off the wall as I think it is? None of my other JW relatives have said this.

    Every time the phone rings I cringe expecting it to be my Mom with another JW message for me to deliver.

  • garybuss

    I think when I tell people they will be re-created in a prefect replica body as a eunuch, that the world ended in 1914, and that the seven trumpets of Revelation were the seven Jehovah's Witness District assemblies from 1922 to 1928, starting with Cedar Point, Ohio and ending with Detroit, Michigan, they'd rather go to hell than continue the conversation.

  • out4good3

    Actually.....I suspect that that is a Go to Hell Look you're receiving from them trying to tell them such nonsense.

  • undercover

    Okay...using WT logic... the wages sin pays is death. The old lady having died in the this system of things will have paid for her sinful life. Only Jehovah knows her heart condition and if she'll be resurrected or not. So "worldly" people "may" be resurrected in the New System.

    This is different than if she had lived to see Armageddon. If that had happened she most assuredly would not have survived.

    Of couse it's all BS, no matter how you look at it...but that's how a JW sees things.

    Actually, your mom sees the oppurtunity to convert a dying person. Hit em with the "truth" while their down and looking for answers. It's a shameless way of trying to convert someone.

    If your mom wants to take advantage of someone else's bad fortune to push an agenda, I'd tell her to do it herself...

  • leavingwt

    LOL @ Garybuss!

  • oompa

    I have always hated the scripture that says "we do not mourn overmuch as the nations do....who have no hope"

    which is sooo stoopid because most christians...even your evil dying lady probably thinks she is going to heaven....and since heaven is considered a greater reward/life/privlege than paradise earth....if we were to tell dying christians that....they should bitchslap us for snatching them out of heaven and puttin em on that annointed are still being drafted for heaven...tell you mom she should not judge the lady as maybe she just got a call from god...........oompa

  • carla

    It has been my experience that jw's like to use other peoples time of grief to peddle their book publishing company the most. They try to take advantage of vulnerable times in life. Shame on them.

    Gary's answer is spot on!

  • VIII

    LOL at Gary's response!

    The attempt to recruit someone on deaths door is pretty disgusting.

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