Weird Funeral coming up!

by wobble 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • wobble

    A friend of mine from my youth has just lost his Mother,very quick,diagnosed with the big C and died 5 weeks later,sad.

    She was lifelong Dub,her son,my friend was Df'd nearly 40 years ago,never went back,never will.He asked me if,as an old friend of his mums I would give a eulogy at the crematorium,so that it was more personal than just the Dubs doing it,I said I would be honoured.His Mum was good to us in our teens.

    So it was agreed,Bro S, would say a bit,then me,then bro S close. When the Dubs found out I was involved they kicked off"he is inactive" "It dosn't fit in with our theocratic thinking to have him involved".

    So,my friend says to the Elder who phoned him,"you've got three choices, 1)do it my way,or2)just hold a Memorial service at the KH,or3)come to the funeral directors with your Cheque book and I'll have nothing to do with it,you can do the lot!"

    So now they are going for option two,and telling the Dubbies not to come to the crem,although my friend has said any are welcome,so I will be doing a non-religious ceremony at the crem.with only her Son ,me and a couple of her non-Dub cousins present,perhaps a stray Dub.

    Here is the weird bit,the Dubs will do a Memorial Service,with NONE of her family members present,and without me of course!

    What a strange lot,and as has been asked so many times,where is the love?????



  • carla

    Just shaking my head at jw's, weird lot. Does make me wonder what would happen if my jw died? The kh would have a service without any of his relatives there? I sure as hell would not want nor allow them anywhere near all our non jw relatives.

  • happpyexjw

    This is a good example of the destructiveness of JW teachng. My father joined up when I was in my teens and left years later when I had children and was still very active. He got cancer and had enough time to make his own arrangements which included a big Catholice funeral preached by his jackass nephew who happened to be a priest. I went to all the arrangements except for the funeral in the church part, which caused major upheaval in the family. I thought I was doing the "right" thing. Of course, I would do it differently now. Families should never have to go through this kind of crap when they are already grieving. How unloving.

  • BluesBrother

    I guess that they were thinking of this from the KM 3/97, or something else later,

    " Who should give the funeral discourse? This is a decision to be made by family members. They may select any baptized brother in good standing. If the body of elders are asked to provide a speaker, they will usually select a capable elder to give a talk based on the Society’s outline. Although not eulogizing the deceased, it may be appropriate to call attention to exemplary qualities he or she displayed".

    know that they do not like people outside of the trusted speakers speaking at anything they are connected with..

    Btw , when I was involved we would always trek up to the local crematorium and give the funeral talk in the non denominational chapel up there . Now I notice that they do a "memorial meeting" at the Hall for the congo, and just the family attend the actual funeral....

    I like the way your friend dealt with it..

    (fomat went haywire with this post)
  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    Sounds terrible, but no surprise for me.

    I am still in, fading, my wife is active JW, I am far from the age when people make funeral arrangement, but I recently plan to make a Will (just in case..) to make sure there will be no JW involment in my (possible) funeral. I already told this to my wife, but want to put this on the paper!

    They caused me so much troubles during my life, so I want to be 105% sure there will no JW influence in my possible funeral arrangement!


  • Quandry

    I would rather have two people at my service who really cared for me rather than a KHall full of people who felt they had to come to fulfill their theocratic duty to hear an infomercial for witnesses.

  • mkr32208

    Send a letter to the local paper that is strange enough to make the special interest pages...

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