Letters from earth, brilliant Mark Twain book

by mkr32208 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mkr32208

    I guess this was actually suppressed for many years after his death... It's a shame too cause it's brilliant and hilarious!

    A brief excerpt on Noah.

    However, the thing that really and finally and definitely determined Noah to stop with enough species for purely business purposes and let the rest become extinct, was an incident of the last days: an excited stranger arrived with some most alarming news. He said he had been camping among some mountains and valleys about six hundred miles away, and he had seen a wonderful thing there: he stood upon a precipice overlooking a wide valley, and up the valley he was a billowy black sea of strange animal life coming. Presently the creatures passed by, struggling, fighting, scrambling, screeching, snorting -- horrible vast masses of tumultuous flesh! Sloths as big as an elephant; frogs as big as a cow; a megatherium and his harem huge beyond belief; saurians and saurians and saurians, group after group, family after family, species after species -- a hundred feet long, thirty feet high, and twice as quarrelsome; one of them hit a perfectly blameless Durham bull a thump with its tail and sent it whizzing three hundred feet into the air and it fell at the man's feet with a sigh and was no more. The man said that these prodigious animals had heard about the Ark and were coming. Coming to get saved from the flood. And not coming in pairs, they were all coming: they did not know the passengers were restricted to pairs, the man said, and wouldn't care a rap for the regulations, anyway -- they would sail in that Ark or know the reason why. The man said the Ark would not hold the half of them; and moreover they were coming hungry, and would eat up everything there was, including the menagerie and the family.
    All these facts were suppressed, in the Biblical account. You find not a hint of them there. The whole thing is hushed up. Not even the names of those vast creatures are mentioned. It shows you that when people have left a reproachful vacancy in a contract they can be as shady about it in Bibles as elsewhere. Those powerful animals would be of inestimable value to man now, when transportation is so hard pressed and expensive, but they are all lost to him. All lost, and by Noah's fault. They all got drowned. Some of them as much as eight million years ago.
    Here's a link to the whole thing... http://www.sacred-texts.com/aor/twain/letearth.htm
  • beksbks

    He was something, for sure. Read "The Stranger".

  • cameo-d


    Because I cannot post a direct link to the one comment I posted on a previous thread, and because you would have to read the entire thread to find this, I am reposting it to you.

    excerpt: Mark Twain, "Letters to the Earth":

    And He gave it a name -- the LAW OF NATURE -- and said Natural Law is the LAW OF GOD -- interchangeable names for one and the same thing."

    "Yes," said Michael, "and He said He would establish Natural Law -- the Law of God -- throughout His dominions, and its authority should be supreme and inviolable."

    "Also," said Gabriel, "He said He would by and by create animals, and place them, likewise, under the authority of that Law."

    "Yes," said Satan, "I heard Him, but did not understand. What is animals, Gabriel?"

    "Ah, how should I know? How should any of us know? It is a new word."

    [Interval of three centuries, celestial time -- the equivalent of a hundred million years, earthly time. Enter a Messenger-Angel.]

    "My lords, He is making animals. Will it please you to come and see?"

    They went, they saw, and were perplexed. Deeply perplexed -- and the Creator noticed it, and said, "Ask. I will answer."

    "Divine One," said Satan, making obeisance, "what are they for?"

    "They are an experiment in Morals and Conduct. Observe them, and be instructed."

    There were thousands of them. They were full of activities. Busy, all busy -- mainly in persecuting each other. Satan remarked -- after examining one of them through a powerful microscope: "This large beast is killing weaker animals, Divine One."

    "The tiger -- yes. The law of his nature is ferocity. The law of his nature is the Law of God. He cannot disobey it."

    "Then in obeying it he commits no offense, Divine One?"

    "No, he is blameless."

    "This other creature, here, is timid, Divine One, and suffers death without resisting."

    "The rabbit -- yes. He is without courage. It is the law of his nature -- the Law of God. He must obey it."

    "Then he cannot honorably be required to go counter to his nature and resist, Divine One?"

    "No. No creature can be honorably required to go counter to the law of his nature -- the Law of God."

    After a long time and many questions, Satan said, "The spider kills the fly, and eats it; the bird kills the spider and eats it; the wildcat kills the goose; the -- well, they all kill each other. It is murder all along the line. Here are countless multitudes of creatures, and they all kill, kill, kill, they are all murderers. And they are not to blame, Divine One?"

    "They are not to blame. It is the law of their nature. And always the law of nature is the Law of God. Now -- observe -- behold! A new creature -- and the masterpiece -- Man!"

    Now, this piece was written by Brother Samuel Clemens in 1909.

    Before I go on, please take a minute or two to review this Walt Disney film. If you do not have time for the 10 min. clip, then please move it ahead to 5:40 because this is what I would especially like for you to see.


    Curiously enough, Walt Disney uses this very same piece of literature in one of his films circa 1943. So, has Mr. Disney plagerized Mr. Clemen's work... or could it be that this "Law of Nature" is not an original idea of Mr. Clemens?

    Could it be that this is a universal principle taught in Freemasonry?

    Oh, and by the way, Walt Disney was a member of the original Mother chapter of the Order of DeMolay, Kansas City, Missouri.


    Now, a little bit on Mark Twain's background. He was involved in one of the Societies with secrets. Getting out of it is a lot like trying to get out of the Borg. Look at the similarities:

    Mark Twain aka Brother Samuel Clemens

    I see a parallel here between something in his life that is very similar to what JWs experience in the WT.

    In May of 1861 he joined the Freemasons and within 2 months was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. Shortly thereafter, he stopped paying dues. (which means he no longer came to the meetings.)

    (Could it be he realized what he had gotton himself into? Was this his way of trying to "fade"?)

    Many organizations have a grip on their members and they use various tactics to achieve this. (guilt, blackmail, favors, etc.)

    Perhaps you have seen such tactics used in organizations yourself?

    Anyway, the grip is strong and the only way to get out is to write an official letter of Disassociation.

    Master Mason Clemens, after having stopped paying dues was "suspended" but not legally released from the obligations of the organization. Perhaps after realizing that he had to go through the organizations judicial committee legal procedures, he was reinstated in April 1867.

    The Constitutional Provisions state that "any member of a Lodge who has no charges preferred against him has a clear Masonic right to withdraw from membership by dimit on payment of all dues against him."

    Perhaps Brother Clemens realized that he would have to pay off the dues for those years of fading before they would legally 'let him go'. (You must first be in good standing in order to be "released from obligation." You must be reviewed before disassociating because this release is an "entitlement" that must be granted.)

    Shortly after his reinstatement, Brother Clemens took a trip to Palestine. In The Innocents Abroad he describes it as a dismal, barren, sorrowful, desolate, despondent, hopeless, dreary heart-broken land. Hauntingly, he asks "And why should it be otherwise? Can the curse of the Deity beautify a land? (my emphasis)

    During his trip to Palestine, Brother Clemens sent his Lodge a gavel with a note that read thus: "This mallet is a cedar, cut in the forest of Lebanon, whence Solomon obtained the timbers for the Temple." Brother Clemens cut the handle itself from a cedar just outside the walls of Jerusalem. He had it made in Alexandria, Egypt. It was presented to the Lodge in April 1868. Brother Clemens disassociated dimitted 6 months later in October, 1868 and never again affiliated with any Lodge.

    This act is very curious to me. Was this mallet presented in lieu of debt? Was this mallet a plea bargain from harm? Was it a fulfillment of some requirement of release? More initiation feats?

    In light of Brother Clemens association with an organization that originated as far back as the Caananites, it is curious to note that in the story of Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer, he may be trying to send a veiled message to us. The story reveals how one may end up in slavery through trickery.

    Not only could this have well been his own personal experience, but he may have realized its implementation on a grander scale.

    Religion enslaves through trickery.

    Government enslaves through force.

    Together, these two systems work iron-hand in iron-hand, to oppress people. And at the very heart of both of these systems, the very force that first placed them into being are the Freemason-Caananites.

  • JimmyPage

    When I was about 18 a friend of mine was reading "Tom Sawyer". I laughed and said, "isn't that kind of a kid's book?" He convinced me of how good it was. I went back and read it and "Huck Finn" both and continue to read Twain to this day, growing more in respect for the man's brilliance by every word. Clemens always got a bad rap from the platform for being an atheist.

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