?about Memorial, Annointed and Armegeddon

by Guest with Questions 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions

    Jesus said that we are to remember him (Memorial) until he comes back. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that he came invisibly back in 1914. Some witnesses say that he will come back again; that the memorial ceases then. But that's not what Watchtower literature says. He isn't coming back to earth but will turn himself to the earth and rule from heaven. When that happens the Memorial stops according to the Watchtower? I thought all the annointed had to be in heaven before Armegeddon starts?

    Jehovah's Witnesses say that Jehovah is not the God of confusion but I have to say that the organization is THE most confusing. Jesus is the Word, no Michael, then Jesus, then back to Michael again. So in a strict sense Jesus is not the Mediator between the annointed and God, Michael is?

  • tenyearsafter

    GWQ...you are bringing up the very questions many of us had that ultimately led to our exit!

  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions

    My mother is walking away from the Jehovah's Witnesses. She read Crisis of Conscience and is currently reading in Christian Freedom. These books really showed her the truth about the "truth". Plus she is for the first time really reading the bible which she admits now she never really did before.

    She is questioning the annointed. I need to know if the annointed, according to the JW's, all need to be in heaven prior to Armegeddon. Why the need for the Memorial if Jesus already came back? Some say that he comes back a number of times between 1914 and Armegeddon. This doesn't seem to back up Watchtower literature unless I haven't found it. The literature says that he came back invisibly in 1914 and will not come back to earth. So how can he come back invisibly a number of times when the literature says he's never coming back to earth. Invisibly to where? So uttterly confusing.

  • ph1ll1ngood

    GWQ, you have raised some very good questions. Before I left the organization, I used to wonder when the selection process began for choosing the 144,000, and why it seemed that there were no new anointed members.

    Regarding JWs saying that Jehovah is not the God of confusion, I believe this is an indirect argument for the organization. Here are the premises and conclusions:

    Jehovah is not a God of confusion.

    The WTBS is Jehovah's sole communication conduit.

    Therefore, information/interpretation from the WTBS is not confusing.

    In other words, if you doubt the WTBS, you are in effect doubting God.

    Regarding the Jesus/Michael dilemma, this seems to be one of many inconsistencies in the Bible. That's my take on it.

    What's important is that you have questions. Questions lead to knowledge, but knowledge can be one-sided have ulterior motives. I gave you my take on it, but I asked questions that ultimately led me to leave the organization. The point is not to take anyone's "Truth" on authority. Keep searching, and make sure the places you search for knowledge are diverse. This will give you a variety of information upon which you can build your personal truth, rather than have it handed to you in a package.

    Best of luck to you,


  • cameo-d

    Some witnesses say that he will come back again; that the memorial ceases then. But that's not what Watchtower literature says. He isn't coming back to earth but will turn himself to the earth and rule from heaven.

    If Jesus rules from heaven...this means some earthling will have to speak on his behalf. The FDS will get a facelift when 'Jesus' takes over.

    Prepare for Melchizedek, the immortal, and the Jesus channelers aka "the christ class".

    I thought all the annointed had to be in heaven before Armegeddon starts?

    Perhaps the "annointed" will include Joseph Smith, Buddha, Gandi, Russell, etc. Yes, they are all gone and can't really speak for themselves. So perhaps each of the 144K will draw a name from the hat and be a channeler for that particular "annointed" person.

    Jesus is the Word, no Michael, then Jesus, then back to Michael again. So in a strict sense Jesus is not the Mediator between the annointed and God, Michael is?

    There are many names for Jesus. Logos, Michael, Yashua, and get ready for this....Melchizedek is also being called the same entity as Jesus.

  • Chalam


    Some important points to note for those in the fallout of the WT confusion!

    1. Jesus hasn't come back. The bible says when He does, it will be the same way he left i.e. physically and people will see. In fact it says the whole world will see His return. Many verses for this, absolutely no confusion unless you are trying to understand what the WT doctrine.

    2. All who believe in Jesus are born again and the Holy Spirit comes to live inside them. There is one flock, not two, Jesus said so Himself. There is one covenant mentioned, not two. Bread and wine is for all who believe. The "anointed" and "not anointed" two class teaching is more confusion and false teaching from the WT.

    3. Michael is mentioned five times in the bible. Jesus is mentioned thousands of times. If Jesus is Michael wouldn't the bible give us some more info on this important doctrine?! Not one single verse which actually states this doctrine, just erroneous cross referencing.

    4. Armageddon is mentioned literally once in the bible and referred to a handful of times. It is a physical battle on the physical plain of Megiddo. It is an grand event but in the scheme of things isn't that important compared with the Day of Judgement or the day a person dies. Once again, focus is on something which is not focused on by the bible itself.

    All the best,


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