for what?

by ninja 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • ninja
  • cameo-d

    Britain has launched a clandestine alliance that recruits citizens and trains them to act as undercover agents against terror suspects.

    The US already has a version of that set up. It's called the InfraGard.

    Basically it's set up like Hitler's SS. You spy on your neighbors and infiltrate political groups and report to FBI. In exchange for that you are guaranteed to be notified first in case of any threat in your area...pandemic, etc. so you and your family can be first evacuees. Nice trade, huh?

    Course, I would imagine you would need to be active and have 'something' to report, even if you make it up.

    Selfish bastards.

  • WTWizard

    How about reporting the alphabet soup of regulators that are set up to prevent competition against established businesses as terror agencies? I have more to worry about the FDA doing a vitamin bust on my apartment than I do any Islam terrorists flying a plane into it.

  • ninja

    also check out the organisation called common purpose

  • LouBelle

    makes people feel important I guess. Some people need to have their ego stroked and told "good job"

  • cameo-d

    I have more to worry about the FDA doing a vitamin bust on my apartment than

    I think they start with small reporting infringements of watering the lawn when it is not the day for your side of the street. Watering on wrong day seems to be bringing in a lot of revenue. And I suppose there are people on the look out for others who are discreetly using soaker hoses.

    I expect vitamins will soon be contraband if codex goes into effect with prescription only vitamins.

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