How did this all come about then?

by LouBelle 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    I have an interest in the universe and am constantly reading up on it or watching programs related to it. Last night saw a program that spoke of how the earth was possibly/more than likely created: a star went supernova, and dust particles (unlike lint from the washing) started sticking together, first small dust particles, then bigger, forming rocks and so on and so forth. Over billions of years we have a planet - nothing like what we see now though.

    Over a few more billions years an outter crust is formed, though there are volcanos, which continually spew horrid gases into the year.

    Where did the water come from - consider we have 2 types of water: H2O and the denser HdO. Scientists say it could have come from iced comets that bombarded the earth - they would have to be huge ass comets though to give us that amount of water. When looking at the structure of the water from comets - they are similar to earths but not the same.

    Then life - where did the seed of life come from if there is no creater. Comets could have carried single celled bacteria (how did they get on the comet in the first place and where did they in turn come from) to earth - there are millions of these extremely primitave life forms that can survive in the most extreme conditions. Now a collective of these single cells happend to find their way to the ocean and started the process of photosynthesis and release massive amounts of oxygen, they grew faster and more developed and started morphing into more complex life. Finally getting to the human being.

    There is so much that would have had to have gone right in order for this to happen. SOOO much.

    I'm not making an argument for a god creating everything either.

  • quietlyleaving

    loubelle did he say why he uses the term "created". Does he mean that some evolutionary factors struck the earth already formed and affected the evolutionary process as we know it at this time. If he means in that sense then I have no problem with that.

    My current stage of thinking suggests that inanimate matter already has the potential for different kinds of life but I'm open to discussion as I find science quite difficult to understand.

  • tank

    I ponder those questions all the time,

    who created life?

    who created matter?

    Who created GOD?

    There are no answers, and thinking about them can turn your brain to mush,

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Loubelle, that account of supernova dust particles joining up etc reminds me of a nature programme I watched on Sunday about the plankton blooms on the Pacific coast of America - the description was similar. somehow, from somewhere, these living things tinier than dust particles "just appear"! They are at the very bottom of the food chain so if these blooms don't happen, the rest of the chain collapses too.

    It was kinda freaky but awesome too! How the hell do living things just appear out of nowhere?!

    Or is nothing really alive at all?

  • villabolo

    Lou Belle, Carl Sagan's Cosmos series was pretty good on that subject. Unfortunately we don't have enough brain and or knowledge yet to understand the deeper mysteries of the Universe. One day perhaps. The following is a poem dedicated to my pantheism, a creation myth if you will:

    Once upon a time

    Before all time

    The Universe gave birth to herself

    And she was born dancing

    Leaping, spinning, twirling,


    Within Her dance a trillion bonfires

    Within them swirl billions of sparks

    Round each spark whirls a cloud of dust

    Lumping, growing, crashing, turning

    Into spinning pebbles

    Came these two pebbles atumbling together

    And soon upon one a mighty brew

    Began to stew

    A thousand and one ingredients mixing

    Joining, splitting, floating, dancing


    In Life's beginning was the Gene

    And the Gene was alive

    The Gene is Life itself

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