Snake Wisdom: Are You Ready for It?

by cameo-d 0 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cameo-d

    The snake has always been vilified in christian literature.

    Yet, Jesus said we should be "wise as a serpent".

    Do you forsee that the status of the snake may change in the near future?

    Suppose you hear the story that the "true brotherhood" of Jesus went 'underground' due to suppression by the priests of the day?

    Suppose you are now told that even after the Reformation, true information was controlled by religious leaders and kept hidden?

    I think many people will be inclined to believe this because church doctrine has been oppressive and the rules and regs draconian.

    Churches are due for a thought change as many people are seeing too many lies in the stories.

    Will you be alert to Luciferian doctrine seeping into the New Teachings, seemingly promoting unity and brotherhood among all peoples?...or have you learned to be suspicious and think long and hard before accepting new 'truths' no matter how good and positive it sounds? Will you always keep your guard up for the 'bait and switch'?

    Do you think religions will praise snake wisdom in the future as they ring in new doctrine of breaking down the walls of division?

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