Anyone seen this video yet? Caution: Barf inducing

by poppers 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • poppers

    I just came across this, though it's been on youtube for some time now. Maybe somebody has already put it on the board.

  • IP_SEC

    would you like to live forever? hell to the no. kinda look forward to croakin and finding out fer shure (or not) if there is anything on the other side.

    lololol where every man is your brother? Naw that make every chick my sister... and ummm with my ummm addiction... that'd be just weird.

  • purplesofa

    Actually poppers,

    I would like to live forever, even before becoming a JW I never wanted to die.

    However, I think the thread AK Jeff posted earlier, more research to find solutions.

  • cameo-d

    One thing I found verrry interesting.

    I recently posted about the "lion and the lamb" not being scripturally accurate. I also found an illustration from a WT publication with the lion and lamb and posted it to show how WT uses imagery to twist scripture. (It eventually got red x'd)

    It's not just WT. If you goole lion and lamb you will see that ALL religions have been teaching it that way. They have always been afraid to use the word "wolf" for some reason.

    In this video, they have finally corrected the teaching. There is one quick illustration where they say the "wolf" will lay down with the lamb.

    Now why do I think this is so significant?

    Because THEY (religionists) are the WOLVES. They are the ones preying on the sheep.

    How does that change the meaning of this scripture?

    Because these wolves are about to get knocked off their pedastals of power. They are about to loose their position of dominance over the sheep. Religions are being exposed every day for their lies and treachery. They are getting busted.

    In the end they will find they have no special powers to judge anyone. They will be groveling to the new power....NWO just the same as the lambs they once hunted. There will soon be no class distinction.

    That's what this scripture is all about.

  • poppers

    Thanks for the link, purps. That was very interesting.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Wow what a great propaganda film for the JWS, too bad it didn't show the tomb stones of the people that didn't take a blood transfusions,

    vaccinations or organ transplants. Or the low paying lousy jobs the brothers and sisters had to take because they had a poor

    education background. Maybe they should have shown Judge Rutherford sitting in his Cadillac convertible in the driveway of the lavish

    house he bought with the proceeds of the organization, ...umm oh wait a minute that would be too truthful.

    Actually this video comes off as being an stereo typical sales pitch by a cult trying to convert followers, with all of the promises of

    Paradise, a world with no sickness or pain and a life of nothing but joy and tranquil leisure. They should hand it out to every cult for

    commercial marketing purposes.

    The people that made that video show their brainwashing in a strong and unremitting way.

    Avoidance of true reality is the way to keep people in submission.

  • dismayed

    Somebody probably claimed lots of FS time for putting that together.

  • WTWizard

    Why would I want to have everything I do be what I am told to, forever? I don't.

  • Hittman

    Living forever in a world full of nothing but JWs? Shudder.

    When messing with the door knockers, I like to ask them if there will be movies and novels in their paradise. They always say yes. Then I ask them:

    What will they be about?

    They pause. They hem and haw. Usually they end up saying the stories would be about things before Armageddon.

    "So your world will be so dull you'll have to reach back into this system of things to find something interesting enough for a movie or a novel?"

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    I like to ask them if there will be movies and novels in their paradise.

    I can't wait for the one about petting lions.

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