Good to be back

by iknewit 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • iknewit

    Hi all!

    I've been off the board a while, a little longer than I wanted, but only recently could I sign back in. My old screen name was Zack.

    I have enjoyed reading all the posts and all the info that keeps me up to date on the goings on of the WTS.

    Officially I am still in, although my life has changed radically. This Memorial will be three years that I have not been to a meeting, and i resigned as an elder six months prior to that.

    Long and short, the WTS has cost me my marriage. No way my wife could reconcile her living with someone who

    "turned their back on Jehovah." It all finally came to a head a couple of months ago. It's over.

    I'm glad to see all the Newbies here, though, and have had a chance to meet some ex-JW's in my area. I have also hooked

    up with some old friends who are faders who admitted to avoiding me since I was such a company man. They told me they always thought I was too smart to believe all that BS. Intelligence, however, is no defense against gullability. It was good to hook up with them again.

    A hello to all of you and thank you for all your topics. They have really helped to see keep me going.

  • Quirky1

    Sorry to here about your marriage..

  • elder-schmelder

    What area of the country are you from?


  • trebor

    Hi iknewit,

    I too am sorry to read about the situation with your wife. However, don't ever doubt the choice you made. It *IS* the right one.

    When I discovered the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses were not who they claimed to be one of the things I firmly established for myself is that no matter what I could not live a lie. I would sacrifice everything for the real truth.

    For me, I was fortunate enough my wife and in-law parents broke free of the Watchtower's bonds. My parents, siblings, and many uncles, aunts, and cousins have not. Indeed, intelligence has not a thing to do with it. I average 135-145 on IQ tests - and it took into my mid 30's to see and understand the Watchtower Society for what it is after being raised a J.W.

    Know that I admire your courage as you remain loyal to truth and to yourself.

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