March 15 is Z day! The Zeitgeist movement...coming soon.

by lurk3r 6 Replies latest social current

  • lurk3r
  • lurk3r
  • Caedes

    As noble as the sentiments outlined on the site may be it appears to be only on nodding terms with any kind of pragmatic political reality.

  • Leolaia

    Should I care that the supposed foundation of this "movement" (the Zeitgeist webmovie) is anti-intellectualist rubbish that cares more for its ideology than actual facts? It is as much propoganda as the propoganda it claims to refute.

    I am always amazed at how the general public prefers pseudoscience and pseudohistory over sound scholarship. One should get the facts straight first and proceed from there; otherwise you hurt the cause you're trying to promote.

  • Farkel

    I posted some information on Jesus/Horus from the Zeitgeist movie and soon got thoroughly trashed with the FACTS. I won't make that mistake again.

    There might be a few gems with what they say, but as always, do your own independent research. Independent THINKING is a good thing, despite what the WT Cult says. Credulity is not only not a good thing, it is a sign of laziness. Trust me. I've made that mistake.


  • lurk3r

    ok. here goes.

    I'm a simple man. I generally use simple words. I like things that fall together in a way that makes sense, in a simple way. My imagination loves to get carried away, I often have to fight to keep it in line.Sometimes, I enjoy it. Most of the time I don't. It's not simple. When i hear simple things that I clearly understand in an overall fashion, this,quite simply, makes me happy.

    Being raised a JW, as much as it really sucked in so many ways was kind of nice, it was simple. Adam and Eve were the first humans and they screwed up. Since they were perfect when Satan misled them, God sent Jesus to fix things up, and he died on the stake. Go to the meetings, don't think about the future, cause you don't have to. Accept everything you learn cause the same God that sent his son, loves you and wants you to be living in a paradise earth, here on this planet. Do EVERYTHING that your told by the society, cause thats what Jehovah, the same God that sent Jesus WANTS you to do. Accept it. Live it. Doesn't make sense? It's not about you, it's about Jehovah. What every body on earth is doing, do the exact opposite. Don't participate in ANYTHING that this world is part of, in any way shape or form. It's ok to feel like an outcast. Your supposed to, that's the way Jesus was, and Jehovah loved him as a result. So do it, it's simple. Don't question, don't think. Do as your told. LISTEN to Jehovah. It's not about's about him, and his earthly bride. IF, you listen; you might make it in. If you don't listen to Jehovah, your gonna die at Armageddon. And remember, if you make it's still not "over". It's THAT simple.

    Well, turns out, as luck would have it, that it's not. Turns out that, there is a little more to it. "Your the one who took your "blinders" off." I thought it was just my nearly blind uncle that had tunnel vision. Turns out we both did. Jehovah's people sure ARE happy..and now I know why. Ignorance is bliss, thats a fact. The grass sure is greener over on the other side. I'm not saying their right. Somedays I just wonder if i was wrong.

    Unfortunately, JC's name is involved with the whole Z "movement". Yeah, their "facts" about JC and the boys are bullshit. But when your raised to believe...not think, actually BELIEVE that you are going to be able to live for eternity, and that since you only use a teeny bit of your brain, you can't even COMPREHEND what a paradise earth will actually be awakens a little something inside me when a movement like this starts to take root. It's not something you have to "imagine' like I was raised to imagine the "New System". Just to hear the words "new system", bring my head up to pay attention. To be raised thinking about a Paradise earth and letting your imagination get carried away, left me with so many wonderments, ALL of to which came to one daunting end. "Nobody Knows".

    If my signing up for the newsletter to keep myself in the know, means i support it, so be it. It's the FIRST thing i have EVER heard that MAKES SENSE.It's simple. Does it scare me? Yeah. Do i cringe that they HAD to bring Jesus into it somehow? Yeah. I feel like i'm in the truth again dammit, guilty for something that I probably shouldn't be looking at to begin with....cause one day, I really do believe that this world IS going to change. Even though the truth is bullshit in a bun, you still can;t discount what the bible says, or what JC said. This "movement", is simple. The world is bullshit, this "system", is bullshit. This world SUFFERS, because of a handful of men at the very top of the lader. You, and I SUFFER every single day because of this "system" that we mindlessly pursue, whether were concsious of it or not. We wake up and go to work in the morning, drink our coffee's and stroke our ego's...cause whether you think it or not, we don't have a choice. Growing up as Witnesses, we didnt have a lot of choice, we had NONE at all. This world is the same dammit. People who are not raised as JW's are in a similar boat don't really get a lot of CHOICES.Whatever you decide to DO with your life, you wake up and do it. Freedom is an illusion and you are a SLAVE,and a slave to this "System". "What do you wanna BE when you grow up?" Whatever your answer was or is(for the vast vast majority), it boils down, to currency, and ideally, you would like more than less. This world we live in, is BASED on scarcity, not ABUNDANCE. Anything that you possess that is RARE or SCARCE, is worth more than something that is in ABUNDANCE(gold vs wheat). The reason we are all f'd (to some degree that remains to be seen) after this "bailout" finally goes through after TRILLIONS of dollars is pumped back into the market, is that there is going to an abundance of money that is worth less than it was before. SIMPLY put, if you have a Wayne Gtetzky rookie card, that is worth say 1000 dollars, if they found a trillion of them under a snowbank, your Rookie Card is going to be worth a lot less than it was before. They are printing off money. Mere paper...and they are making LOTS of it. I think were all in trouble. Many people think we are in trouble.

    Every single day, just about every single one of my thoughts, comes back to the end of this "System"...just like I was raised to believe. I wish i didn;t think this way, but i do. Take the society out of the picture and I am still left with the world i live in. We live in. If the "Venus Project" is the "beginning of the end", so be it. Wherever it is that were heading...I just wish we would get there. Take the religious aspect away from it, and to me it makes sense...IT'S SIMPLE! So much so that it scares me. The first link at the top of this page is the latest "info video". Look at it or not, i really think that you'll hear about it later on.

    I fucking hate that I have to think this way.


  • SacrificialLoon

    Perhaps it would help to learn the skill of critical thinking. Here's a good place to start:

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