The Watchtower Teachings Blog

by sacolton 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • sacolton

    I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness and spent 36 years attending their meetings, believing what I was taught, shaping and molding my life to fit in with their unique beliefs and raising my children to follow in my footsteps.

    The purpose of this blog isn't to attack Jehovah's Witnesses, who, for the most part, are decent, moral people.

    Rather, this blog will look at the bald facts about the teachings, practices and beliefs of this religion and how they affect the lives of the individuals and families who attend Kingdom Halls around the world.

    Excellent information!

  • cawshun

    Thanks for the info sacolton, the more information out there the better. I'll be sure to check out the link.

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