Memorial: A Superstitious Event?

by cameo-d 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cameo-d

    Are the elders required to keep a Lunation Journal?

    It seems to me that all the focus of the moon phase and getting the "exact right time" of the day and year according to the Jewish calendar very much overshadows any stories of Jesus. All this full moon fuss seems to me to be an "observance of times" which was a method of divination.

    My question is this....

    Do JWs expect something BIG to happen on Memorial one day? Like maybe Jah will throw a thunderbolt or make an appearance?

    I have been told it is THE most important day of the year to JWs. Why would this be more important than the other Holy Days established by Yahweh? Why would it not have equal importance to the others?

    Do you think this Memorial ritual is superstitious?

  • XxJazzxX

    I'm attending the Memorial with my D/Fed wife this year to support her. I somewhat asked her of the same questions. Even though she claims that Jesus says "Do This in Remembrance of Him", only the anointed of the 144,000 can only take part in it. That doesnt add up to me. I've even read an old WT mag sayin that the anointed who partake in the memorial are the only true Christians. If thats true, then what are the JWs if they arent really Christians?

  • WTWizard

    I don't think the hounders are the ones that keep the journal. They are not allowed to set the date for the REJECT Jesus Party independent of the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger. It is the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger that has to have tables for the full moon (and the preceding new moon) years and years out. They then set those dates based on 14 days after the new moon (which may or may not be the date of the actual full moon), and then they reject Jesus on that date.

    Hey, if I am going to reject Jesus, I can do it whenever I damn well feel like it, without leaving the comfort of my computer keyboard.

  • cameo-d

    My question is this....

    Do JWs expect something BIG to happen on Memorial one day? Like maybe Jah will throw a thunderbolt or make an appearance?

    I have been told it is THE most important day of the year to JWs. Why would this be more important than the other Holy Days established by Yahweh? Why would it not have equal importance to the others?

    Do you think this Memorial ritual is superstitious?

  • Roddy

    It's simply a ritual. They make such a big deal of the ceremony of which we are all to be spectators. But we have to be one of the lucky few congregations out of tens of thousands that actually witness hearing the stars of the program eat the crackers and slurp the wine.

    In any other church, you are a participant.

    I go for my folks and they seem happy that I come. By attending this one meeting they seem to forget that I don't attend any of the other meetings. If by attending this one meeting gets me out of attending five other meetings a week for 52 weeks in the year, not forgetting the one to three day assemblies too, I'd say it's a bargin.

  • oompa

    no cameo the do not expect anything......and it is more important that other holy days cause this is the holies guy that makes sense

    and moon phase not divination....just the only way they kept time back then...sorry

    however, IF i go this year and i missed last year my first ever....and they say anything chummy, i will let them know that since it has always been my least fave meeting ever and gives me the heebie jeebies....that i figure it will make up for the other 11 meetings i would have attended if i went once a pulling off a band-aid??...........oompa

  • Quirky1

    It's a pagan ritual..

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