UN: Anti-Blasphemy Resolution

by Gladring 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gladring

    Anyone heard of this:


    This could affect our right to criticise the WTBTS or any other pseudo-religious BS

  • WTWizard

    What happens to people that choose to be Christian, Jewish, or a Far Eastern religion? Or no religion at all? I can see the day when practicing another religion will "insult" Islams, who want to control the whole world by force. There goes Christmas and Easter.

    We are also going to be forced into believing what some humanoids decide to force us to, which will be for their own nefarious purposes. Here comes the Second Dark Ages!

  • Scully

    I think this is being instigated by fundamentalist muslims who do not want legitimate criticism to be levied against their archaic, barbaric belief system and its barbaric, misogynistic legal system Sharia law.

    Funny thing about blasphemy: it's basically human beings (presumably created by god) taking it upon themselves to get offended on god's behalf. It's not saying much for their god's ability to stand up for him/herself. I mean, supposedly he has a timetable for taking care of all the people who offend him at some time in the future, but people who care about the imaginary crime of "blasphemy" don't want to wait for god to take care of all those people when it's his time to do so, they want to punish those people the second they get offended by legitimate comment and criticism.

  • Borgia

    This so called non binding resolution is actually counter to article 30 of the universal declaration of human rights...

    Article 30.
    • Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.

    Article 12.

    • No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.Article

    Clearly a religion is not a person. Nor is a legal entity or a religious belief system.

    Article 16.
    • (1) Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.

    In the Cairo declaration of human rights this article is being undermined. The tenets of Islam, christianity and judaism are counter to this right! (check your same sex marriage stance)

    Article 18.
    • Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

    Article 19.
    • Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

    No need to argue here just to point out that the anti defamatory resolution is counter the UDHR. Any nation that seeks to overthrow this is being deliberately subversive.

    Check here for the story in the English newspaper about those arrest in India: The Independent:


    On the 22nd of January on behest of the OIC members, Arte Reporter and her Camamera Man were expelled from the UN meeting discussing freedom of speech and defamation of religion as a prelude to Durbun Review Conference in April this year:


    And here you'll find a history of the "good" work this anti defamation resolution has done.




  • cameo-d

    You think you know what it means...that's it's to protect freedom of religion.

    Well, of course, everyone will agree with that, even non-believers allow that everyone has the right to his own beliefs.

    But wait till they turn the tables. Freedom of religion now means NO CRITICISM of any religion.

    They ARE going to come for the dissidents.

    We are hurting their pocketbooks.

    Religion is an industry that is even bigger than GOD.

    Collectively, religions (and secret societies) hold more wealth and power than any government or any corporation.

    The focus on one particular religion is merely a ruse. This will set a precedent. Then, all other religions will foloow. Think ahead, people. Think several steps ahead of what you are seeing.

  • cameo-d

    Since Muslims may have been influenced by WTBTS, then it stands to reason, once this resolution is passed, it will also be in effect for those who criticize other religions.



    Scientific Study of Religion volume 9 number 4/winter1970

    Black Muslim leaders appear to have been influenced in the early 1930's by eschatalogical teachings of the Jehovah's Witnesses . Several details of doctrine are too similar to be coincidental. There is some evidence of direct contact between the two groups. It is possible that the cryptic ambiguity of the Watchtower doctrines enhanced their appeal to the Black Muslims.

    Watchtower Influences on Black Muslim Eschatology:

    An Exploratory Story

  • Scully

    Actually that kind of legal injunction will hurt the WTS - its bread and butter is cutting down other religions, especially the Catholic Church, not to mention its target audience has historically been people who have becomed disillusioned with their religion.

  • WTWizard

    Even if it will affect the Washtowel (they bash every other religion aside themselves) at first, I do not want any laws against legitimate criticism of other religions. This could lead to a situation where a Christian of one denomination would be asked to join an Islam sect, and look into it. This religion might be "OK", but not great. Muslim will have its plusses and minuses, and the Christian that they are seeking to turn Muslim will mention that there are advantages as well as disadvantages in Muslim. But, giving Muslim anything less than a perfect rating will be "insulting the Muslim faith", and illegal.

    So the Christian gives the nominal "perfect" rating to the Muslim church, and is thus asked to join. Refusal to join now also constitutes "insulting the Muslim church", and is also illegal. But to join now means cutting ties with the Christian church, which could include family and friends, as well as having to cut membership (the Catholic denominations never officially log one as disassociated).

    Or, the Christian could lay down the facts about both religions. Both have advantages and disadvantages. The Christian could see the two as about equal, but the Islam faith has the disadvantage of requiring learning a new faith, while Christianity is already familiar. But to point out disadvantages of Islam, even personal ones, would also be declared "illegal defamation of the Islam faith". Effectively, this could become a tool to force everyone in the world to become Muslim (sounds familiar to students of the First Dark Ages?).

    At a later time, this could spread to the Christian faith as well. Now, you have two religions that contradict each other, and if one chooses one instead of the other, you are "insulting the religion you did not choose". Either way, they are now going to have grounds to criminalize anyone that they choose--especially anyone that attempts to re-establish freedom anywhere on the planet. They will send both a Christian priest and an Islam priest. At which point, the religion the person chooses not to belong to in favor of the other will press criminal charges of insulting their religion--and that will prevent anyone from ever establishing freedom on Earth again. We will all be stuck under the Establishment, which will now have the tools to last forever.

    But, will this eventually spend the end of the Washtowel Slaveholdery? Remember, they are officially registered as Christians. Once the law applies to Christians, all it takes is to have two of Jehovah's Witlesses show up at your door. You tell them that you are not interested and leave. About 5 minutes later, the cops show up and you either have to accept their study (and join their religion) or you are "insulting Christianity". At this point, you are stuck. Anyone who wants to leave that religion will have no good reason to, and will be charged with criminal insult to a Christian denomination if they attempt to do so.

  • cameo-d

    Now, you have two religions that contradict each other, and if one chooses one instead of the other, you are "insulting the religion you did not choose".

    But suppose all religions begin to promote their similarities instead of their differences?

    Couldn't that lead to religious unity...eventually? A false Peace.

    But before that can happen, the weeds must be removed. All religious critics must be silenced.

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