Searching for names of elders?

by Truth and Justice 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Truth and Justice
    Truth and Justice


    I don't know if anyone can help me on this, but my question is this- Is there a website in which there is a list of Kingdom Halls with the names of elders from that congregation in a particular state? I don't want anyone to go thru too much trouble for me, but I sure wonder if there is.

    The reason I ask is because 2 of my brothers in the family are PO and Elder located in a Sothern state that I know. My curiousity is to know which hall there in, maybe it would give some sort of clues as to whether there on this site. I would do anything to help my brothers, I miss them dearly.

    Or, maybe you have another suggestion!

    Sincerely, Truth and Justice

  • megaflower

    They do not post the name of the elders for security reasons. However, the kingdom halls do post thier numbers in the white pages. It would be leg work on your part but you can call and ask for a specific person and they will say if that person attends there. I hope this helps.

  • asilentone

    go to, put keywords "Jehovah, your city, your state", you will most likely find names of the PO.

  • Truth and Justice
    Truth and Justice

    To megaflower / asilentone,

    Thank you both for your replies, good advice!

  • SnakesInTheTower

    You could call Patterson (845-306-1000) and ask for Service Dept. When you get them, tell them you are a dub that will be visiting that city on vacation and want the name and maybe number of the PO for that congo or congos... tell them you already have a KH number but no answer.. This will only help if you know which city they are in. If there are a large number of congos in the city, then you might not be able to get the info you need.

    If there are a large handful of congos in the can randomly call KHs during meeting times and ask for Bro. So-and-So.

    If there is an JW assembly hall within 3-4 hours of the city you are looking at, call the assembly hall during business hours and see if you can find out info that way. You could, if you wanted, even casually ask the brother who is the caretaker if they know Bro. So-and-so..... most assembly hall caretakers know most if not all of the POs in the area. If they want to know why you are asking, have a real good answer worked up ahead of time.

    I am not beyond subterfuge. Block your number either way. Theocratic warfare and all that.

    Snakes ()

  • asilentone

    one more thing, the dubs do not call PO (Presiding Overseer) anymore, it is now Coordinator of the Body of Elders, I just want to be sure that you are up to date in the dub world.

  • Truth and Justice
    Truth and Justice

    To Snakes in the Tower,

    Very enlightening thoughts! I appreciate your advice and help.

    Sincerely, Truth and Justice

    To asilentone,

    Good advice, and no, I was not up to date on the right lingo. I never thought about it in that way.

    Take care, Truth and Justice

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