Floods in the north-fires in the south

by smiddy 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • smiddy

    Thought you might like to know the situation in aussie land

    Bushfires raging in victoria have claimed the lives of at least 35 people so far and the toll is expected to rise in the 40`s.Yesterdays temp.rose to 46.4 cent.(115 F ) More than 85 towns were under threat and dozens of homes lost with a terrible loss of livestock and wildlife.

    In the northern part of the country Qld. the land is under floodwaters,due to a tropical low


  • unclebruce

    g'day smiddy,

    It's pretty hot down here in the south east.

    There's a fire raging in National Park about 20k south but it's not smokey here due to a nor' easterly.

    Living in the forest, I'm not game to mention the word bushfire.


    The moon was blood red last night.

  • purplesofa

    Sorry to hear bout that

    Thats alot of deaths, we get fires here but not so many deaths.

    Hope it cools down for you soon.


  • Satanus

    'The moon was blood red last night.'

    That's it, the end of the world is now starting in australia. It's those dam stralians' faults.

    Seriously though, hope you've got an escape route planned, if it's needed.


  • purplesofa

    I have some friends that live in Uralla, but I can't remember exactly where it is, hope they are ok.

    nevermind, I googled it.

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    I've been following this in the news recently. So sorry to hear the death toll is now over 100. Please be careful.

  • penny2

    Some of these fires were deliberately lit. It's just unbelievable.

    Glad you're OK, unclebruce. Take care.


  • unclebruce

    Hi guys.

    g'day Satanus,

    Australia is the land the bible forgot. If an ol' testament God really wanted to scare someone into obedience, he would have given them eucalyptus trees and threatened bushfire. Part hurricane / inferno, part mini nuclear blasts nothing can stop a big fire. It feeds on itself creating its own all consuming weather system.


    Hi purplesofa,

    Uralla is in Northern New South Wales, west of the great dividing range and probably in more danger of being flooded.

  • parakeet

    I guess you have to be tough to live in that "sunburnt land." Hope everyone is OK.

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