Law and Order

by watson 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • watson

    LOL, tonight they had a halfway house with the name "Jehovah House" over the front entrance.

    I wonder if the cong will get all giddy about "the mention of his name" on this one.

  • avishai

    Good episode. Doubt the dubs will have a boner 4 it though

  • shopaholic


    this reminds me of when I was a kid and we passed a church while preaching that had the quote "As for me and my household we will serve Jehovah" beautifully and largely carved into the front of the building structure. I asked my mom "I thought we were the only ones that knew about Jehovah?" I remember the JWs being very offended by it.

    But I'm sure they saw the episode as further validation that they are the true religion.

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