Super Bowl Party!!!! Excited about the food,fun, friends

by StoneWall 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • StoneWall

    Hey everyone!

    I know I haven't posted much in a while but been busy saving the world on a massive multi-player

    game with some friends. (ya I know some of us 40+ year olds have to teach those young

    whippersnappers the ropes) Its been a very addictive game to say the least, so I guess its better

    to be addicted to it rather than drugs or some of the other alternatives out there.

    One of the guys I've teamed with on there for over the last 4 months from Australia,

    turns out his family is JW's. Small world after all it seems. Just thought I'd give a brief summary

    of whats been going on in life before talking about the super bowl.

    Now to the Super Bowl. The big day has finally arived. Only a few hours left before

    kick off and looking so forward to seeing some of the friends from neighboring congregations

    that I grew up with. Every year this is our one big party that we all try and attend. Since we

    never got to celebrate holidays,birthdays and such we kinda let this one event make up for all that

    (heehee) Always a lot of food,fun and catching up on what all has been going on in our lives.

    Even some of the friends that don't even care that much about football always have

    this day circled on their calendars. Most of them are in same boat as me as far as the KH,

    either have become inactive, slackers, or just kinda disillusioned and trying to make some sense of things.

    Well guess I'd better stop on that note and finish getting ready to head over for the big game.

    I hope all of you get to watch the game and spend time with some friends. Take care all!

    Will check back later.


  • JimmyPage

    You should invite John Doe. He's a big football fan!

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