Darwin was Wrong

by Earnest 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Earnest

    This is the cover article of a recent issue of New Scientist and as this is a common debate on the forum it might be of interest. Darwinian evolution is usually portrayed as a tree of life from which every living thing originates and which splits into many branches, each branch representing a new species. Since the structure and function of DNA was discovered it has been expected that the more closely species are related the more alike their DNA ought to be. In fact this has been used as the basis for determining the relationship of one species to another.

    However, this article claims that the descent of species is not exclusively vertical, which is what Darwin expected, but that species routinely swap genetic material with other species, often across huge taxonomic distances. Leaving aside the horizontal transfer of genes across microbes, which occurs to quite a large extent, it also seems to occur in plants and animals. Last year New Scientist reported that 40-50 percent of the human genome consists of DNA transferred horizontally. So some relationships are tree-like but others are more complex, more like a spider's web.

    I do not think this reflects badly on Darwin as his work was mainly in the macroscopic world and DNA was unknown in his time. However, it is clear that the light (of evolution) is getting brighter as the day draws near.

  • drwtsn32
    it is clear that the light (of evolution) is getting brighter as the day draws near.

    Did you have to say that? lol

  • sir82
    Darwin was Wrong

    How much ya wanna bet that you'll see this headline, without little or no other comment, in "Watching the World" or some other Awake article in the near future...conveniently leaving out that the author of the article is presenting an adjustment to the theory of evolution, not repudiating it.

  • hamilcarr

    Intriguing topic! Thanks for starting a thread on this.

    However, this article claims that the descent of species is not exclusively vertical, which is what Darwin expected, but that species routinely swap genetic material with other species, often across huge taxonomic distances.

    Related to horizontal evolution is endosymbiosis.


  • Leolaia


    I guess Agent Smith is right. Human beings are viruses. With GM, we're the new agents of HGT. But I guess that means that the chimeras of GM are not that unnatural after all?

  • caliber

    This idea of horizontal transfer is interesting !

    chimera is an animal that has two or more different populations of genetically distinct cells that originated in different zygotes; if the different cells emerged from the same zygote, it is called a mosaicism. Chimerism in human beings has very few (about 40) reported cases.....hermaphroditism may result if one set of cells is genetically female and another genetically male.


    Human chimeras were once thought to be so rare as to be just a curiosity.
    But there's a little bit of someone else in all of us, says Claire
    Ainsworth, and sometimes much more...

    EXPLAIN this. You are a doctor and one of your patients, a 52-year- old
    woman, comes to see you, very upset. Tests have revealed something
    unbelievable about two of her three grown-up sons. Although
    she conceived them naturally with her husband, who is definitely
    their father, the tests say she isn't their biological mother.
    Somehow she has given birth to somebody else's children

    It took Kruskall and her team two years to crack the riddle. In the end
    they discovered that Jane is a chimera, a mixture of two individuals -
    non-identical twin sisters - who fused in the womb and grew into a single
    body. Some parts of her are derived from one twin, others from the other.
    It seems bizarre that this can happen at all, but Jane's is not an
    isolated case. Around 30 similar instances of chimerism have been
    reported, and there are probably many more out there who will never
    discover their unusual origins

    But the story doesn't end there. There is growing evidence that chimerism
    in one form or another may not be so unusual at all. In fact, some
    researchers now think that most of us, if not all, are chimeras of one
    kind or another.
    Far from being pure-bred individuals composed of a single
    genetic cell line, our bodies are and cellular mongrels, teeming with cells
    from our mothers, maybe even from grandparents siblings. This may seem
    a little shocking at first. The thought of playing host to cells from
    other people may offend your sense of individuality. But you may have
    those outsiders to thank for keeping you healthy http://www.katewerk.com/chimera.html

    A chimera is an ordinary person or animal except that some of their parts actually came from their twin or from the mother. A chimera may arise either from monozygotic twin fetuses (where it would be impossible to detect), or from dizygotic fetuses,

    (Monozygotic (identical twins ) would be impossible to detect except mirror image twins may fuse together resulting in mixed handedness

    in the individual )..( some spectuation only I read once on the web ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins


  • BurnTheShips
  • Rabbit

    Another article (and Title) you'll never see in the Awake! University textbooks.


  • Satanus

    It's those dam aliens doin this to us. Darwin obviously didn't know about them and their dastardly messing around.


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