Lots of familiar JW doctrine in Ellen G White

by AuntBee 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • AuntBee


    See especially chapters 17 - 24, for those who are interested. Basically, this is Ellen White recounting in her own words the Millerite movement, the Great DIsappointment, and how she and others would never accept that he was wrong. IT's a truly bizarre thing to read. It's basically someone cutting and pasting verses from the Bible, and using flowery language for pages and pages, to prove that black is white. And false is true. -- After a time of intense seeking and re-studying the chronology, guess what conclusion they came to? The Second Advent did indeed occur in 1844, but.........IT WAS INVISIBLE!! Hmmm, sound familiar?

    Some recurring themes I noticed were:

    churches bad, us good

    Our group, or individuals in it are....people or prophecies in the Bible! Like, we're the wise virgins. And some guy's prophetic chart was the fulfillment of a prophecy in Habakkuk! LOL.

    "new light" "more light" "clearer light"

    Those who got disillusioned after the false prophecy lacked faith, were worldly, couldn't endure, etc. God used the false prophecy to 'test' people, and weed out those with bad motives.

  • lawrence

    A few Lancaster, Mass. 7 Day Adventist college students I met door to door years ago called her "Egghead White." She and her husband James ate the same mushrooms that Russell, Barbour, and Miller ate. That rye poisoning stayed in the Northeastern U.S. and got Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, and Parley Pratt with more intensity. Lots of New Light, almost as much as Edison's.

  • steve2

    Spot on!

    I have often drawn parallels between the Adventists' rigidly sticking to 1844 - but reinterpreting why events turned out the way they did - and the Watchtower's rigid promotion of 1914 with reinterpretations on why the end did not occur then.

    I get pretty steamed up when Adventists criticise the JWs and vice versa - they are in many important respects - similar in outlook and mindset - especially the expectation that they will soon face widespread persecution.

    BTW, has anyone here read The White Lie (the author was a 7th Day Adventist who was - I think the word is - defrocked? Spookily similar to Crisis of Conscience.

  • AuntBee

    "ate the same mushrooms" ROFL, Lawrence! My impression was that she was somewhat mentally ill, maybe Narcissistic Personality Disorder? But i suppose some bad mushrooms would have the same effect. hehe.

  • InquiryMan

    I remember once the watchtower discussing an aspect of adventist theology, based on numelogy in Daniel.

    Of course it labeled the adventist interpretation as wrong etc.... In spite of putting a spin on those numbers themselves...

  • InquiryMan

    got that wrong, I mean of course numerology

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