Why do some leave and others stay?

by zarco 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • zarco

    The following is partly based on comments from the Book The Gnostic Gospels on Page 123.

    Why do some leave and others stay?

    Some seek their own interior direction, they reject religious institutions as a hindrance to their progress. I think I am tending to viewing the JW religion has a hindrance in my quest for understanding and progress.

    Others willingly participate in religious institutions, regarding the religious institution as and instrument for their own self -discovery. Or more likely, for a Witness, as a social instrument to keep family and other social ties intact. It is understandable that it is so difficult to leave friends and family. It is sad that one must choose between current relationships and other choices.


  • steve2

    There are all sorts of social "structures" that serve to keep people in their place; religion is simply one of the more obvious ones. The story of people feeling obligated to continue adhering to a religion for the sake of family and social networks is a relatively common and widespread one, not confined to JWs. JWs are by no means the most extreme group in exerting social pressure to keep members. In some countries - especially those with extreme Muslim influences - it is illegal to change one's religion or denounce it, with punishment by imprisonment and even death. It's also not too long ago that the Roman Catholic church welded a frightening power over many western countries. JWs are small potatoes in the scheme of cultic things.

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