Bad things that can happen with vegetables, couches and cat bowls

by Elsewhere 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    14,000 suffer vegetable-related injuries

    Thursday, January 22, 2009

    Are health and safety rules over the top? Perhaps not, judging by the bizarre accidents we have in our own homes, frequently involving vegetables.

    Embarrassing incidents occur with alarming regularity – more than 14,000 people ended up in hospital with compromising vegetable-related injuries.

    About 500 adventurous types turned up at A&E having knobbled themselves with a sex aid.

    And a mysterious 41 had had a close encounter with a goat, show figures from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.

    Then there are the fatal accid ents – unfortunate souls have drowned in cat bowls and been killed by a sofa bed while looking for the remote control.

    One 23-year-old from Rochdale, Greater Manchester, died after slipping and becoming impaled on a lamp in the garden.

    We can also damage other people, as shown by the mother who accidentally glued her daughter's eyes shut by squeezing in nail glue instead of eye drops.

    'There is a seasonal aspect to accidents,' said Dr Andrew Dove of Nottingham University Hosp ital. 'We've had a number of people injured by the Christmas turkey. One patient suffered a fractured skull after a frozen turkey fell on their head.'

    The figures were compiled for Disaster Movie's DVD launch.

  • Sparkplug

    Elsewhere! This just grossed me out. Really, gluing your childs eyelids? OMG!!

  • Elsewhere

    There are some spectacularly dumb people out there.

    I bet she got pissed when her daughter started screaming: "Damnit! Hold still! It's not that bad!"

  • Sparkplug

    I cannot hardley even think on it. It makes me really squeemish. How would you get to the second eye? I really hope she did not. I would think that you might know womething is up after one eye got served.

  • Clam

    I once heard that a man was explaining to his proctologist that he and his wife were
    making love on the couch and the channel changer "just got in the way."

    The proctologist had said that the odds were pretty remote.

  • Alpaca

    Interesting stuff...

    I've always thought that a TV series featuring the types of accidents that send people to emergency rooms could actually be useful to inform the public about common sense safety in our everyday lives. Over the years, ER docs and nurses that I have known have told me stories about the bizarre injuries and circumstances that send people to the ER.

    Even the most vivid imagination couldn't create some of the accident/injury scenarios that they have actually seen or treated.

    Like the guy who bled to death while watching a football game. He cut his toe (apparently not too badly) when he got up get a beer during a commercial. He ignored it, and his girlfriend put his foot in a bucket (rather than bandage it up) so that he wouldn't get blood on the carpet. He passed out from blood loss (probably because the cut was at an extemity and at the lowest elevation) and died with a cigarette and a beer in hands.

    What a way to go, huh???

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    it all reminds me of an episode of "Scrubs". They have a box of items extracted from patients butts. My favorite was a light bulb. Oe of the characters while looking at the XRay commented that either the patient stuffed a bulb in thier butt or it appears that his colon has a really good idea.

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