Uh-oh! My amazing plan backfired!!

by Amha·’aret 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amha·’aret

    I wrote this a few days ago but....

    So I've decided to use reverse pschology! I've contacted some JWs I would have consider to be friends once upon a time. Just a short, "Hi how are you? haven't seen you in a while." - the kinda junk I'd expect from them. No reply so far. Guess I've been "marked".


    It turns out that one of the sister I sent a text message too was actually away on hols (visiting her missionary daughter and son-in-law in Africa no less!) and she replied! Not only that but she's said she'd love to catch up and is going to call to see me tomorrow!! ARGH!!

    This woman is a complete die hard. Her kids all leave school early to pioneer, oldest daughter has been a missionary since a teenager or early 20s. Her ex-husband is DF and she won't let the kids see him coz of that (don't worry, he's going thru the legal system for access). She's a nice lady but a bit too "zealous for the troof".

    I'm looking for advice/opinions on what to say, and more importantly, what not to say! I'm in 2 minds - part of me wants to play it cool and not get myself DF but part of me wants to be open, honest and even a bit blunt about the whole money-hungry cult run by greedy power-tripping men!


  • sspo

    If she's a die hard zealous witness (which she seems to be) it will not take more than a few hours before she turns you in for apostacy

    and most likely you'll be DF if you say anything against the watchtower and the GB.

    Are you ready for that? Many choose just to walk away from the organization and not make any waves, others prefer

    to let it all out and get DF.

  • lisavegas420

    Uh-oh! is right...


  • cameo-d

    Why not just a friendly lunch in a public place?

    I think for a JW the formal living room is their "business setting".

    Change the environment, make it public.

    Hopefully you can just have pleasant small talk conversation instead of "business".

  • MissingLink

    Go to a pub and keep it short and personal. You're going to be totally outed before too long anyway ( not a threat ), it might be helpful for your friend to just see you as not an evil person and wonder why they have to shun you.


    ......Your closer to a J/C Meeting than you think!!............Guillotine 3............................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Amha·’aret

    Thanks for all the help guys! LOL

    Seriously though...she's a nice lady but her being a jw is crippling her and her kids. I was kinda hoping I could say something to at least make her think. Guess I'd better go with the play safe option for now and bide my time a bit.

  • Amha·’aret

    Got a message from her a little while ago cancelling her visit. She didn't say why she's not able to make it but says she'll call over sometime soon.

    In the meantime I've been reading this thread http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/experiences/170546/1/An-old-dub-friend-writes-to-ask-What-Happened and think i'll use the answer Veen gives:

    His answer is, I think, the best I've heard:

    ''I don't think you want to know''
    If they ask why........

    ''Because if I tell you, you'll want to leave too''
  • Dismembered

    Tell her you were drunk and you pushed the wrong email button.


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