Who REALLY runs the WTS?

by Roddy 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Roddy

    Hi all. I'm afraid I haven't been following the WTS as closely as many of you are. I'm just courious of who really runs the WTS these days.

    I'm almost certain it can't be the GB. Unless they figured a loophole that will get new and younger members into this self-appointed priestlike elite and keep their assumed reign of power with the President having total control. Those where the days! LOL!

    Last rumors I heard it was a checks and balances game between the two most powerful departments in the WTS HQ: The Teaching Dept and the Legal Dept. With most of the time the Legal Dept winning slightly most of the plays although they do influence each other from time to time. I guess they have to.

    Still the case today?

    I still find it funny that for an organization that prides itself on neutrality in world politics, in its own little world it is nothing but politics of their own special kind!!

    Also, any chance that the GB will either disappear or become irrelevant?


  • yknot

    I would say the Legal allows much in the way of teaching/writing but has ultimate authority if things get too out of hand.

    I am sure someone in legal provided a take-over clause when the WTS was restructured back in 2000. I also suspect they wrote in a non-disclosure clause into all new GB......cause we another Ray incident would be catastrophic in these times.

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