I wish I could find Charla

by dinah 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • dinah

    I met her at a DC when I was about 14. She was cool. Instant friend. Looking back I can see she prolly felt trapped too. We had to write letters back then cos Al Gore hadn't evented the internet yet. For some reason I've been thinking about her for the last 3 years, and I would love to find her---with hopes she's not a train-wreck. She was in Mississippi at the time. She was a strong woman, even at 14. Used her own mind, just was going with the flow (biding her time until she got 18 like the rest of us).

    The thing about being a dub kid is that a friendship can get squashed because we aren't "good association". WTF! Kindred spirits can't be friends because we were both leaning away. We needed stronger (read more theocratic--read again brainwashed sheeple) friends. Or a freakin leash.

  • changeling

    Where in MS and do you know her last name? PM me.

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