If "Jehovah's Witnesses" Fail to Act, Will You?

by compound complex 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings, Friends:

    Rather than simply resurrect an old thread (14 December 2006) and get .5 comments, I wanted to explore anew an article from AWAKE! of September 8, 1987. I thank On the Way Out for posting the pertinent text that the WTB&TS demands should merit one's scrutiny and subsequent decisive action. Of course, the examination of religion of which AWAKE! speaks is specifically Protestantism; nevertheless, can we effectively parlay Rebirth's rewording of the text into a verbal defense for our stand against the course taken by the Society?

    Please comment. Thanks, OTWO and Rebirth.

    g87 9/8pp.10-11 Future Prospects for Protestantism—And for You!

    If Your Church Fails to Act, Will You?

    If, after making an honest investigation, you are less than pleased with what you see, do more than just complain. A journalist, while commenting on Karl Barth’s statement that a church is its members, logically concluded: "Church members . . . are responsible for what the church says and does." So ask yourself: Am I willing to share responsibility for everything my church says and does? Can I really be proud of having all its members as spiritual brothers?

    While considering these questions, do not overlook the significance of Revelation 18:4, 8. Speaking of the world empire of false religion, displeasing to God, it says: "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues . . . [for] her plagues [shall] come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her."

    You may sincerely believe that your church is no part of false religion that God says he will soon destroy. But your life depends upon being 100 percent sure. Are you?

    False religion has no future, nor do those who support it. True religion will last forever, along with those who practice it. Make your choice accordingly.

    Rebirth's comment:

    What's good for the goose is good for the gander:

    If, after making an honest investigation, you are less than pleased with what you see, do more than just complain. A journalist, while commenting on Karl Barth’s statement that an organization is its members, logically concluded: "Congregation members . . . are responsible for what Jehovah’s Witnesses say and do." So ask yourself: Am I willing to share responsibility for everything Jehovah’s Witnesses say and do? Can I really be proud of having all its members as spiritual brothers?

    Now go take a look at all the recent "brothers" who have been caught with their pants down. All the "brothers" who are being exposed as taking advantage, financially, of their brothers. All the "brothers" who tear apart families with their authority. Can you honestly answer the questions in the quote above considering these facts?

    Your thoughts are appreciated.


  • WTWizard

    Once I stop associating with the witlesses and supporting them, I am no longer responsible for what they choose to do. If they choose to hide their pedophiles and silence the victims, and I am not among them, I am not responsible. However, if I choose to continue supporting the organization after realizing that they are supporting this kind of initiatory force and/or fraud, then I am helping to further it to the degree that I am supporting it.

    On the other hand, if I do not know about it or there isn't anything I can do to stop it, or if I am forced (physically) to continue or resume doing their work, then it's in the hands of those who are in charge of the crap. At any rate, it's the leaders and the ones that are setting up the structure that allows this s*** to continue that are primarily responsible. All I can do is stop donating to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund, quit going in field circus, and stop doing anything that will help with the organization. And, by way of protest, I can boycott all the a$$emblies and boasting sessions so they will not get my encouragement to even be there (plus it deflates their attendance if I am not there).

    I feel that I have done something (however little) by supporting these forums with posts, dissuading people from becoming Jehovah's Witlesses, and visibly setting up Christmas decorations in protest of what the Washtowel has done. When I saw the pedophile embarrassment in the fall of 2007, I doubled the number of Christmas lights in the window that could be seen from the highway in back of my apartment so I would not be associated with those cockroach witlesses. And I bought more from stores, using the occasion to dissuade anyone that sees the heavy purchases of lights and tinsel garland from becoming witlesses.

  • Marjorie

    False religion has no future, nor do those who support it. True religion will last forever, along with those who practice it. Make your choice accordingly.

    I have made my choice.

    I will not be a hypocrite, and tell others to examine their religion, while refusing to submit my own beliefs to the same scrutiny.

    I have examined the WTBTS, and found them lacking.

    I could no longer stomach the lies; I had to leave.

  • LouBelle

    Marjorie - I second that

  • jws

    That's the principle I went by. The Witnesses always taught that if your religion was wrong, leave it. I did.

    It was at least one good lesson they taught.

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