Canadian Polygamist Leader Arrested

by sammielee24 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • sammielee24

    A JW cannot get a legal divorce and then remarry without the additonal freedom of a scriptual divorce or else he/she faces charges of adultery which means they are then disfellowshipped and shunned. This is a moronic law applicable to WTS members butfrom a legal standpoint, it means nothing except the ruin of some lives..

    If I live with 5 guys in one house, we are all over 30 and decide we will call it scriptural marriage, from a legal standpoint do you or can you apply any laws to that intent?

    Should we ban all scriptural laws if they over reach the legal laws of a country in order to put a halt to all the injury to lives negatively affected by religion? sammieswife.

    VANCOUVER, British Columbia — Two top leaders of a polygamous community in western Canada have been arrested and charged with practicing polygamy, British Columbia's attorney general said Wednesday.

    Attorney General Wally Oppal said Winston Blackmore is charged with marrying 20 women, while James Oler is accused of marrying two women. Oppal, who said the charges carry a maximum penalty of five yeras in prison, said the case will be the first test of Canada's polygamy laws.

    "This has been a very complex issue," he said. "It's been with us for well over 20 years. The problem has always been the defense of religion has always been raised."

    Blackmore, long known as "the Bishop of Bountiful," runs an independent sect of about 400 members in the town of Bountiful. He once ran the Canadian arm of the Utah-based Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but was ejected in 2003 by that group's leader, Warren Jeffs.

    Oler is the bishop of Bountiful's FLDS community loyal to Jeffs. Even though many of the town's residents are related or have same last name, followers of the two leaders are splintered and are not allowed to talk with each other.

    FLDS members practice polygamy in arranged marriages, a tradition tied to the early theology of the Mormon church. Mormons renounced polygamy in 1890 as a condition of Utah's statehood.

    Last June, Oppal appointed a special prosecutor to look into allegations of criminal abuse at Bountiful despite two earlier legal opinions that said it would be difficult to proceed with criminal charges for polygamy itself.

    Blackmore openly acknowledges having numerous wives and dozens of children but has said his community abhors sexual abuse of children.

    Oppal said some legal experts believe polygamy charges won't withstand a constitutional challenge in Canada over the issue of freedom of religion.

    "I've always taken the position that's a valid offense in law," Oppal said. "And if someone says that it's contrary to their religion, let a judge make that decision."

    FLDS spokesman Willie Jessop said Oler and any other FLDS member who might be charged would face their accusers.

    "No one is running," Jessop said. "We believe that our religion is being discriminated against and that there are many goverment officials working with each other to carry out a vendetta of hatred and are determined to end our way of life."

    Jessop said the FLDS church does not condone or practice underage marriage.

    Last April, Texas authorities raided an FLDS ranch and put more than 400 children into foster care. The children were returned to their parents in June after the Texas Supreme Court ruled the state overstepped in removing all the children when it only had evidence of abuse or neglect involving about a half-dozen teenage girls.

    The FLDS, with an estimated 10,000 members, is headquartered in Colorado City, Ariz., and Hildale, Utah. In 1947, a small group moved just across the border into Lister, British Columbia. The newcomers dubbed the pristine spot at the base of a snowy mountain range Bountiful.

    Besides an estimated 1,000 Canadians living in Bountiful, the U.S. Embassy estimates there are about 300 Americans there who are loyal to Blackmore and 200 others who follow Jeffs, who is in jail awaiting trial in Arizona on four counts of being an accomplice to sexual conduct with a minor.


    Associated Press writer Jennifer Dobner in Salt Lake City contributed to this report.

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