Hail the Theocracy Ever Increasing?

by Thirdson 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • Thirdson

    The thread on wedding music plus ISP's postings on "Theocracy's" decline got me thinking while flicking through a song book.

    Song 53 -- Theocracy's Increase -- Is it still being sung? It struck me that this song contains "old light". So do JWs still sing this song at the meetings?

    Why do I question the song? Well, 1.7% increase is hardly "wondrous expansion". Also, "Christ on his judgement throne sits and is reigning; Nations and peoples before him appear" has not happened yet has it? I don't think Christ had stood up and sat down yet. Certainly the preaching work is not the judging activity and people are not appearing before Christ to be judged in current Witness theology, but was when the song book was published.

    "Share in the joy that gets greater by giving" is not being taken to heart since there is less giving in the witness work and the decline shows little gladness.

    I wonder, has this song been dropped or are JWs instructed to make word amendments like they were for song 40?


    PS Isn't song 159 based on the Carol "O Little Town of Bethlehem"?

    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

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