King of the South?

by Satanus 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    Has anyone heard anything about him? The wt has not talked about the southern king for a few decades. The present american financial crisis is a golden opportunity for the wt to pull this card from the bottom of the deck. He was supposed to last a bit longer than the northern (russia), and then subside and finally die. Any thoughts? I'm not really in touch w any watchtowerites.


    Ps, i also started this in the experiences category. Mods, feel free to delete the other one. Thanks.

  • chickpea

    must be something in the air!!

    i was wondering about the "kings" this morning
    listening to the news reports out of gaza.....

    made me flashback to that b0rg mentality of
    rejoicing at unmistakable but often mistaken
    signs of the end getting really really really close.... again

  • blondie

    The WTS has said that Russia is no longer the king of the north, but they don't know who is the replacement. ("yet to rise' in the Daniel Prophecy book)

    Whereas the king of the south continues to be the US/Great Britain (the Anglo-American World Power, the 2 horned wild beast).

    *** w93 11/1 p. 14 par. 6 A King Profanes Jehovah’s Sanctuary ***The role of this latter, the king of the south, was now occupied by Britain, which quickly took over Egypt, the domain of the original king of the south. As the war proceeded, Britain was joined by its former colony, the United States of America. The king of the south became the Anglo-American World Power, the most powerful empire in history.
  • rmt1

    My memory may be faulty but I recall something to the effect that the North would kick the South's ass and take names, and then Gog of Magog is drawn with a fishhook to attack god's people or something. The memory is sharp because it had the uncomfortable implication at the time that Russia would somehow militarily beat the U.S. in some indeterminate arena. If I am recalling correctly, a JW right now could look at the limitations of American imperial / unilateral strategies as compared to the rise of China.

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