King of the South?

by Satanus 1 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Satanus

    Has anyone heard anything about him? The wt has not talked about the southern king for a few decades. The present american financial crisis is a golden opportunity for the wt to pull this card from the bottom of the deck. He was supposed to last a bit longer than the northern (russia), and then subside and finally die. Any thoughts? I'm not really in touch w any watchtowerites.


  • dogon

    As far as I understand it the king of the north and the king of the south are supoosed to be pushing and shoveing untill the end. That they would at the end turn their power over to the image of the beast or united nations, and they would destroy all false religion, at that time satan would turn his forces against the only standing religion left on earth JWs, then Jehovah would step in to protect his people. That would spark the big A end of the world.

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