Why December 25 is the Most Important Day to JWs

by notyetx 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • notyetx

    The philosophical underpinning of most JW belief is the notion of "otherness." JWs must stand out and become a "theatrical spectacle" before a wanton and profligate world. Part of this comes from the stories of first century Christian martyrdom. Part of this comes from the emotional manipulation of Rutherford and his successors. Because of the cultural importance of Christmas to the Western world (and increasingly to the entire world), JWs have found the primary way to demonstrate their otherness. And yet this spectacle of self-denial carries a critical element of the undoing of the JWs.

    OthernessAny child born into a JW family likely has at least one (and usually many) stories about the Christmas situation. The story usually goes as follows: The teacher and class are decorating a Christmas tree or other decorations or are preparing to celebrate a Christmas party. The young JW (reluctantly if she is being honest) explains that she cannot participate because of religious reasons. If questions are asked, she will explain (again reluctantly) how Christmas has pagan origins and, as a "true" Christian, she cannot participate.

    The young JW's parents are enthralled with the faithfulness of their young one. The congregation applauds how the young JW withstood the "persecution" of an invitation to participate in Christmas. The young one will appreciate (slightly) the approval of her co-religionists. She is now a self-declared "other." She has borne the stamp of the reviled "true" believer, unappreciated in this world but celebrated in heaven and assured a spot in the "new world."

    It is like great performance art. It is patently absurd for children to deny themselves candy and gifts to please God and their parents. And yet there is a poignant courage to watching these children perform this spectacle and separate themselves into a social cocoon. This sole act, done for decades now, is the reason why JWs are often accused of cultism. The obviously reluctant child trying to hold up a principle that she barely understands and is otherwise unable to consent to makes everyone take notice. People have to ask, "What kind of belief system would compel a child to do this?" It is a masterstroke of religious advertising, even if it breaks a child's heart.

    Seed of Self-Destruction

    The problem is that for every child that has experienced this spectacle, it is unforgettable. The child never forgets the shame and the nervousness. Most importantly, the child never forgets the heartbreak. The seed of potential JW-deemed apostacy has been planted by the exercise of JW doctrine. It is of little wonder that the Pew Forum found that a pitifully low 37% retention rate among JW youth. When your first truly religious experience comes in the form of shame and sadness, you are unlikely to want to relive it.

  • cawshun

    I agree with this. My son-in-law and his sister where raised JW. The sister celebrates Christmas with her children. She said she hated how she had to go out on the playground by herself and sit on the swings during school holiday parties.

    Also, 34 yrs. ago when I studied for a bit with the JW's, they told me that JW's shouldn't do things that draw attention to themselves I kind of remember them pointing to a scripture about not drawing attention to yourself, are any of you aware of one?

    When a child excuse's themself from the class room during holiday parties, aren't they drawing attention to themselves? The WT has so many double standards I don't understand why the JW's can't see this.

    So I guess, wearing too many rings on your finger may draw attention to one's self so its discouraged, but leaving a class room during parties does not draw attention to one's self?

    My 7yr. old grand-son had to leave his class room while they had their gift exchange, his teacher begged my daughter to let him stay, saying he really wanted too. She didn't let him. I'm sure he was heart broken and embarrased and if his heart is breaking, so is mine. I hate the WT. and what they do to these little children!!

  • Mincan

    We are all recycled star stuff harvesting starlight. We are all sameness. There is nothing to feel but connectedness.

  • garybuss

    John 10:22-23 (NIV)
    22 Then came the Feast of Dedication at Jerusalem. It was winter, 23 and Jesus was in the temple area walking in Solomon's Colonnade.

    http://www.ort.org/ort/edu/festivals/hanukkah/history.htmlHanukkah, the Festival of Lights, is celebrated for eight days, commencing on the 25th day of the month of Kislev (November/December), to commemorate the victory of the Jews over the Hellenist Syrians in 165 BCE.

    Hanukkah 2008
    In 2008 Hanukkah begins at sundown on Sunday December 21.

    Hanukkah Dates
    Hanukkah is a eight-day holiday both in Israel and outside of Israel.

    Ask a Jehovah's Witness what this means.

  • WTWizard

    It is the day that, not only children can make a stand for the Washtowel by denying themselves the fun of celebrating, but then add drudgery by going out in field circus and spending the whole vacation there. And then, the embarrassment of having gotten nothing for Christmas, and spending the whole time out in field circus instead of doing something worthwhile.

  • BluesBrother

    Good comments above and an interesting thread,I wonder though,

    The child never forgets the shame and the nervousness.

    My recollection and having seen many other kids, is that the pay off in terms of family adulation, and congregation praise, and being led to believe that God was going to reward them with a pet lion on Paradise.....is a big reward for being "No part of the World" ..

    Would you rather have that, or a Nintendo Wii for Christmas ?

  • shamus100

    In addition to Cawshun's post,

    I will never forget going to something as simple as a football game. The anthem comes on, and these assholes stay seated, making a spectacle of themselves. How disrespectful! I was the only one that stood, and I was so emberassed. Worship? No. Giving respect to your country that pays for your unemployment because you are so unskilled that you have nothing to fall back on when your janitor work ends... That was the beginning of the end for me.

    They are just dying to feel persecuted, and find it - in the most peculiar ways. They take and take, and give nothing back.

    Just another form of 'persecution', the 25th. I guess the billions of others that don't celebrate christmas means nothing to them though.

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