Submission to authority

by joelbear 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    One of the core beliefs that I hold is that the only hope for humanity is the willingness to submit to some guiding force.

    Witnesses would point to Jehovah as being that guiding force.

    As of now, I would point to love for others being that guiding force. One of the main differences I have with the witnesses is that they see god as a person with a personality and a planned agenda. I see god as a mindset that we either choose to be part of or not based on our willingness to submit to this idea of loving others.

    Are you willing to submit to any authority, whether an actual identity or an ideology? What authority do you believe exists?


  • kpax


  • RunningMan

    I disagree. All of the great improvements of the human race have been
    initiated by people who refuse to submit to authority.

    Think of how much damage was done by those who submitted to Hitler.
    What about those who follow the Taliban, or other religious fundmentalists?
    On the other hand, where would we be if Galileo or Darwin submitted to
    authority? These people lifted us out of the dark ages because they went their
    own way.

    If every person evaluates their reigning authority and reacts appropriately, we will
    have better leaders, more effective government, and ultimately, authorities that
    are responsible to the beliefs of their followers.

  • joelbear

    I have not mentioned submission to human authority.

    I agree submission to human authority is not the answer.

    I agree with the sentiment of submission to nature, but I'm not sure what you mean by that.


  • GinnyTosken

    My belief is close to yours, Joelbear. I believe that love and compassion, for ourselves and for others, should be the guiding force in one's life.

    Love isn't always nice or likeable, as any parent knows.

    Love isn't about pansies and daffodils. Love is hard core. It doesn't float around and make your life all pretty, it puts you to the test. --Beth Orton

    For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning. --Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet


  • RunningMan

    I'll buy the comments about love and not submitting to human
    authority. But, other than human authority, what other type is
    there? The authority of religion and imaginary Gods is even worse
    than human authority (actually, it's just human authority in disguise).

    As far as love is concerned, it is a great ideal, but I'm not sure if
    submission is the right word to use in connection with it.

  • MacHislopp

    Hello RunningMan,

    I think I do agree with you:

    "...I'm not sure if submission is the right
    word to use in connection with it."

    Yes, it conveys a different thought.. not

    linked with - freedom -.

    Jesus said "..the truth shall set you free .."!

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

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