Need COC - Spanish Edition

by civicsi00 6 Replies latest jw experiences

  • civicsi00

    Hello all!

    I really need to get a copy of COC, but in Spanish. I've got a disfellowshipped aunt (who was D/F in 1993) but she is still very captive of the whole WT/FDS thing. (By the way, she didn't do anything "wrong", per se. She just stopped going to the meetings, and her own mother got her d/f'ed. The elders didn't even hold a judicial committee... This all happened in Mexico. I'm still trying to find out more exact details.)

    I really feel sorry for her because she said that for 10 years, not one family member even uttered her name. Now her JW family only talk to her if they need something from her (a place to stay, money, etc.). She also said to me that she's simply waiting for "Jehovah" to give her a peaceful death and be forgotten... It's f*'ed up what this religion does to people! I started talking to her recently because I never really got to know her growing up.

    Please, if anyone knows where I can get a copy, let me know! I've tried Commentary (they're still working on an updated version), Amazon, and Ebay, and I've come up with nothing. I'll even buy it off of ya...

    Thanks a million...

  • blondie

    I looked civ and you are right, there seems to be a run on spanish COCs. How soon did commentary press say one would be available? Get put on a list for the next available one.

    Mine are English or I would send them.

  • insearchoftruth

    Have you tried alibris, sometimes they are pretty good with used books!

  • betterdaze

    Best wishes to you in helping your aunt, civics!

    Here it is listed on a (currently free) book swapping service... you can sign up and put it on your "wish list."

    Also, the owner of Old Lighthouse Books used to post on JWD. Maybe s/he can track one down for you.


  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Yo hablaria con tu tia si quieres...

  • Trying2understand
    Trying2understand This website says that it's also avail. in spanish. You might contact them to see if they have it instock.

  • civicsi00

    Thanks everyone for the ideas!

    Lance: I may need you to speak with her sometime in the future. I'll PM you later..

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