Santa Angels - helping the needy

by lisavegas420 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lisavegas420

    On my previous topic I told about going to the Job and Human Resourses program. I only knew about this place, becasue my daughter called and told me her and her fiance were going, he was laid off last month.

    As a veteran, he's eligible for programs and other benefits other than the average may be eligible for.

    Anyway, while there, they told my daughter that she should call up and register for the Santa's Angels program, her and her children would be matched with a non-profit organization that privide Christmas to needy families that might otherwise go without reveiving gifts. She called to register and was asked a bunch of questions, one of which was:

    "What religion affilation are you?

    She explained about being raised as a JW until the age of 12 and now didn't belong to any religion.

    The woman said, "Oh we had a JW family last year. They don't celebrate Christmas, so they asked that we leave all their presents unwrapped, or wrapped in non Chrismas paper"

    Weird huh?


  • shopaholic

    The woman said, "Oh we had a JW family last year. They don't celebrate Christmas, so they asked that we leave all their presents unwrapped, or wrapped in non Chrismas paper"

    Totally friggin believable. Lets not even mention the number of witnesses that accept christmas gifts every year from co-workers and non-JW family but never give any gifts in return not even on non-pagan holidays.

  • lisavegas420

    I was happy that the JW kids got to be normal, but as for the parents, my first thougt was 'shit or get off the pot".

    Then later I thought about it and it was the kindness and generosity of 'worldly' people that really made me open my eyes to the truth about the truth.


  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    That really bugs me. I am all for taking advantage of programs that are available if you are truly in need. But the nerve of them to use a Christmas program! Also infuriating that they will never be the ones giving back to such programs when they get back on their feet. I hope things get better for your daughter soon.

  • lisavegas420
    I hope things get better for your daughter soon.

    Thank you, she has three children and goes to school full time. I don't really see her or her children as "needy" but whatever, she's closer to 30 than she is doing what I think she should do.


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