Who will say this at a Meeting?

by wobble 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • wobble

    When I was still going I used to answer and put in stuff to make people think,e.g at the BS with the Rev. book I mentioned about the UN thing.

    I notice that coming up is a serv. meeting item about using "Reasoning from the Scriptures"

    Who among those still suffering the meetings will put their hand up and say that they will use in FS the bit under the Last Days article definition section which says (1989 Ed.) "some of the generation alive then(1914) will also be on hand to witness it's complete end in the "great tribulation" ?

    I know the smartass on the platform will say "That is no longer our understanding" but it may open the minds of some and cause discussion.

    Youve got to be brave and humble to do it,but I dare ya!!



  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    This topic is gonna get them in more and more trouble in the next few years.

  • JWdaughter

    One can hope. . .but they seem to be made of teflon.

  • BizzyBee
    but they seem to be made of teflon.

    Actually, it is their constituency whose brains are made of teflon - the real truth doesn't seem to stick!

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