Obama bumper sticker

by loosie 0 Replies latest social current

  • loosie

    at the mall yesterday I saw an Obama/bBiden '08 bumper sticker. Someone (I assume not the owner of the car) had taken a black sharpie and scribbled out Obama/Biden. Got me to thinking How many Bush Cheney stickers that I saw scribbled out. None. I guess democrats don't resort to defacing other peoples bumper stickers. I know I live in Kansas, a red state. Liek the newspaper here said. If Hilter were are the republican ballot kansas would vote for him, just because he was republican.

    I thought we still had freedom of expression here in Kansas. I guess not in the bible belt. you better think like the republican bible belt people or else.

    Why Oh Why did I ever move from good ol' CA?!?!?

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