Iowa College Bases Musical on Bible's 'Terror' Stories

by leavingwt 4 Replies latest social current

  • leavingwt

    DES MOINES, Iowa — Don't expect to hear these Bible stories at church.

    Cannibalism, rape, a bear that mauls children — this is the Bible?

    They're among six stories from the Old Testament acted out in "Terror Texts," a musical at Northwestern College in Orange City.

    Adding to the shocking nature of the stories are the theatrics, with actors decked out in Goth attire, a rock band and a mosh pit.

    Theater professor Jeff Barker said the obscurity of the stories belies their value.

    "We believe we have discovered something that has been lying dormant for many, many centuries," said Barker, who created and directs "Terror Texts."

  • Kudra

    That is awesome. Those "Terror Tale" stories are every bit as "inspired" and representative of the nature of their god as the feel-good fairytales that the Christians like to celebrate- the tale of Jesus Christ, the Flood, Jonah and the Whale, Healing the Leper etc etc.


  • cameo-d

    It's about time someone told those bible stories like they are really written!

    Never could understand all this "god is good" stuff. There doesn't seem to be any examples of it recorded in OT.

    And why do people think that Jehovah and Jesus are interchangeable when they paraphrase scripture?

  • leavingwt

    Coming to a JW District Convention near you?

  • betterdaze

    Cool tunes! And "Sacred Stage" Trailer.

    The full name of the musical is "Terror Texts: Hair Raising Tales from Ancient Israel."

    Can't believe the ADL hasn't pushed to shut them down yet.


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