Judea in Japan

by possible-san 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • possible-san

    Many common features are between Japanese customs and Jews' customs.

    Please watch the video in the following blog.

    But Japanese ancestors are not Jews clearly.


  • cameo-d


    That is a very interesting piece of information.

    There are a lot of very similar connections....and I think this is all very possible that it shows a definite relationship.

    from the article:

    A very interesting and contested theory is that the Japanese are actually a part of the Lost Tribes of Israel. ....

    .... 10 of the 12 Tribes of Israel dispersed into Asia and have since disappeared.

    For example, the Japanese Shintoist Holy day is the Yamaboko Junko, or "Going atop the Mountain to lay to rest the Shrine". The day Noah's Ark rested atop Mount Ararat lies on the same day. The word "Essa", which is a carrying chant chanted by the holders of the Omikoshi, or portable shrine, is a word which really has no meaning in Japanese but means "Carry" in Hebrew.

    One of Japan's largest festivals, the Gion Festival, is believed by many, including the Gion Festival officials, to be the same as Ancient Israel's Zion Festival. The month long festival is almost identical in each event, date, etc. The artwork depicted on the portable shrines in the festival are from ancient Japan, but are renderings of landscapes in the middle east - camels walking the desert, pyramids, Baghdad Palaces, and most surprising is a grand picture of Rebecca offering water to Isaac which is confirmed to be a rendition of Genesis 24 in the Old Testament.

  • Leolaia

    No, there is no common origin, although there are always coincidental similarities between any two cultures. But I've been to Shingo in Herai, Japan, to see Jesus' tomb and it was really fun -- loved it. I even have some Tomb-of-Christ sake cups.

  • cameo-d
    However, recent scholarly research, including discoveries by an archaeological team from the University of Tel Aviv, not only deconstruct the Biblical Old Testament and Torah stories upon which this claim rests, but grant previously unthinkable credence to an ancient historian's claim that the Israelites of Exodus were actually the Hyksos, and therefore of Asiatic origin.

    The Hyksos

    Like Herzog, the historian Josephus (c. 37CE - c. 100CE) denied the account of the Hebrews being held in captivity in Egypt, but he went a drastic step further about the racial origins of the Jews, whom he identified with the Hyksos. He further claimed they did not flee from Egypt but were evicted due to them being leprous.

    However, Jan Assmann, a prominent Egyptologist at Heidelberg University, is quite positive in his writings that the Exodus story is an inversion of the Hyksos expulsion and furthermore that Moses was an Egyptian.

    Likewise, Donald P. Redford, of Toronto University, presents striking evidence that the Expulsion of the Hyksos from Egypt was inverted to construct the exodus of the Hebrew slaves story in the Torah and Old Testament. His book, which argued this theory, "Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times" was Winner of the 1993 Best Scholarly Book in Archaeology Award of the Biblical Archaeological Society.

    There is irrefutable evidence that the Hyksos, a mixed Semitic-Asiatic group who infiltrated the Nile valley, seized power in Lower Egypt in the 17th Century BCE. They ruled there from c. 1674 BCE until expelled when their capital, Avaris, fell to Ahmose around 1567 BCE.

    The Hyksos in Egypt worshipped Set, who like ISH.KUR they identified as a storm deity.

    Thought you might find this of interest.

  • asilentone

    this has nothing to do with this thread, but Cameo, please check my PM. Thanks!

  • possible-san

    Hi, cameo-d.

    Thank you for your reply and the comment.

    I think that this topic does not liven up unless it is those who are interested in culture and customs of Japan.
    It seems that those who are so much interested in Japan are not in this forum.

    Japan is clearly different from Western countries.
    And many people of English speaking areas seldom know a thing of Japan.

    I appreciate your reply once again.


  • possible-san

    Hi! Leolaia.

    You know various things well truly.
    You are a really intellectual and attractive lady.

    Of course, that grave of Jesus Christ in herai-mura (shingo) is not the genuine article.
    There is no Japanese who believes that it is the genuine article.

    It is "village revitalization" clearly and it is the main purpose to attract tourists.
    And you are one of those tourists.

    Therefore, all people are enjoying it, after understanding that it is a "fake" clearly.

    The video which I introduced is not basically related to these things.


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